
Showing posts from 2024

Does It Take 52 Liars to Qualify As a Conspiracy Theory?- The Sunday Collage

 We're getting close to election day. You can smell it. Judge Tanya Chutkan, in an attempt to smear Donald Trump, has decided to release 2000 pages of "evidence" that would damage his campaign. The timing of this release, 2-3 weeks before the election, was perfect.  Remember the 51 experts who swore and signed affidavits that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation just before the 2020 election? There was no investigation into that. There was also no investigation into the results of the 2020 election. That was the one where we all went to sleep with Trump winning and sometime between 0100 and 0700, Joe Biden miraculously staged an epic comeback in every one of the states he had been losing. So Chutkan, activist liberal that she is, checks in right on time with her attempt to influence the 2024 election. A little more on Chutkan. Chutkan is a Jamaican immigrant. Tanya Chutkan's resume reads perfectly left. Appointment from Barack Obama, the Lightbringer.

15 Years of Frankenstein Government- The Sunday Collage

In 2009, I was 48 years old. Divorced, single, sober. My life was calm and serene.  I wanted to write. Not because I think I am some superior, knowledgeable writer but because we were witnessing some of the worst government behavior that had ever taken place. When the government stole one trillion dollars' worth of taxpayer money and bailed out crooked bankers and banks, they were fully exposed. That level of theft was breathtaking. Things were going to get far worse. People generally don't care about politics unless they are old, retired, and have the time to watch what the hell is going on. I will be the first to admit this was true for me. When I was younger, say twenties and thirties, I was too busy taking care of my patchwork family- earning a living, paying for things, fixing wrecked knees and straightening teeth, and bearing all the costs associated with life in America. We grow up distracted.  With 60 hour work weeks, who had time for politics? I didn't.  That all c

Lake Mead National Park Ranger Nails Scofflaw

 The story I'm about to tell you is absolutely true. I didn't think this kind of shit could happen in 2024. Not with body cams and allegedly- superior training. Now as many of you know, I spent 25 years in law enforcement. As a result of that vast error in judgement- I conducted somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 traffic stops and went to a few thousand calls. Conducting the verbal part of a traffic stop is relatively simple. You contact the driver, tell the driver the reason for the stop, listen to the response, and decide if it's something you need to write a ticket for. Good cops shoot for compliance first without a ticket. Anyone who told me the unvarnished truth on a traffic stop- never received a ticket. Somewhat rare but not unheard of. So those are my rules, unpublished for sure and not agreed upon by all. Those rules were clearly not communicated to the cop who stopped me on January 30, Officer Johnson. I am travelling south on a highway that goes along the we

Joe Biden Saves Democracy! -The Sunday Collage

On July 21, 2024, President Joe Biden offered up his re-election resignation on "X" formerly known as Twitter. I guess that's what it was because the letter doesn't state his intent with any kind of precision. It was an incredible letter. It wasn't on letterhead; it was just a few paragraphs of mumbo jumbo with the usual lies and other assorted nonsense one associates with Biden. It was purportedly signed by Biden with a signature I do not recognize. Having read the letter a few times, it reminds me of some poorly written scrap someone might conjure up to play nice with Joe while recapping his presidential past. It avoids any details regarding anything of relevance or substance. It reminds me of one of those hastily written confession statements that police departments used to write up and tell a suspect to sign. There is not one chance in hell that Biden authored this letter. Not one. It begs the questions. Who wrote this letter (while Joe was recovering from Cov

Was It Worth the Trouble, Mr. Trump?

 Several years ago, as Ann Coulter (2016) was being laughed at for predicting the Trump presidential win, I was reading a piece about why working-class America was supporting a billionaire. It was a nasty piece, a hit job, explaining that poor, working class Americans were a bunch of dupes enamored by wealth and fame. Deplorables, according to Hillary. It was also total bullshit.  Over the years after Hillary Clinton, perhaps one of the most highly effective criminals in America lost her bid to become President, I came to understand the widespread appeal of Donald Trump. It wasn't polished bullshit, it wasn't party support, experience, or a career of broken political promises. It was something else entirely. Something that I treasured.  To be sure, I was not a Trump supporter back then. I am a strict adherent to George Carlin's political views in that we keep electing these rich assholes and nothing changes. So I skipped the voting process in 2016 for that reason and also t

It's Showtime Bitches!!- The Sunday Collage

 Today, they convicted Former President Trump today on 34 counts of make believe bullshit fabricated from a 17 year old tryst with a porn star.  At it's very worst, Donald Trump may have gotten a piece of ass on the side. He may have used campaign funds to give Ms. Daniels 130,000 to shut up about it. He may have (gasp) lied. Let's conjure up some perspective. Of all the whores in the Whitehouse, JFK was probably the worst. Kennedy was a well documented sex addict. The "Stormy" of his day was a film star named Marilyn Monroe. Men (and women) have been screwing around on their spouses since time began. Millions upon millions and probably billions. Clinton paid Paula Jones 7 times what Daniels received. Where was the big witch trial then? So men like to get laid. Unscrupulous women provide vaginas. There is nothing proprietary there. No news flash.  The US government spends 100's of billions of dollars a year on welfare, wars, shitty student and housing loans, bond

Guilty Until Proven Innocent, The George Kelly Story, Updated 4/23/2024

 George Alan Kelly is an old guy who lives just north of the Mexico border on a ranch.  Now you might wonder, why would anyone buy a ranch on the Mexican border? Well, Mr Kelly bought the ranch back in 1997 when we protected the border. It wasn't a free for all until President Biden and his illegal immigration handlers turned it into a drug running, human trafficking, do whatever you want, war zone.  Perhaps Biden and friends should be charged with aiding and abetting illegal immigration.  At any rate, Mr. Kelly is eating lunch at his home and hears a single gunshot and sees a number of men, likely Mexican nationals, on his property armed with guns that he believes were AK 47s. He arms himself, fires a few warning shots in the air, and the trespassers eventually disburse. He calls police. The police come out, take the report and leave. Hours later while searching his ranch, Mr. Kelly finds a dead body- shot thru the chest or back- depending on the entrance wound. He calls police ag

The Atheist's Song- The Sunday Collage

"Without God, all things become permissible." -The Brothers Karamazov Happy Easter to the three people who still read this thing once in awhile. It is Easter eve. Easter is an important holiday in my family which always marked the arrival of spring. It also marked the one day you must absolutely attend church. Easter was for my mom. Always there was dinner afterwards. Unfortunately, there are a significant amount of people that don't believe in God. I'm ok with that just as long as they don't ridicule or berate my beliefs. If folks cross that line, well things tend to get ugly and animated quickly.  For many years I struggled with the concept of God. I read books, I talked to people, pastors, priests. I discovered that the Vatican had removed books from the Bible in the grand editing process that they employ. And then, through a series of sobering events, I came to believe. It started in my 47th year.  It began with forgiveness. How could a man, charged with some