What Nincompoops Say About Wasting Votes
Have you ever heard some deep thinking nincompoop state that if you vote for a third party candidate, you will be "wasting" your vote? As one might see on the game show "Jeopardy!", the correct answer is, "what a ninny might say." Now I'm not exactly sure what a nincompoop is, but I have a conceptual image of one in my head. As a matter of fact, that particular nincompoop happens to be running for a local public office. Go figure. He believes in the wasted vote theory of ninnies. Now I know some brainiacs, bloggers, and a Ph.D or two who have also parroted this "conventional wisdom." Undoubtedly gleaned from like minded souls and held in reserve until the precise moment when they can spring this "common sense" argument on an unsuspecting third party supporter. And at first blush, it actually makes sense. I mean voting for a third party... well that's a lost vote for a party that can't win. Isn't it? There's where the