Cure Cognitive Dissonance For Life!- The Sunday Collage
I am only able to write and speak freely on this blog because people gave up their lives so that we could have a taste of freedom. So this Memorial Day, I would like to say thank you to the men who died so that I can live the American dream. I can write what I want in this place. I can choose the career that I want and live the kind of life that is simply not possible- in so many other places. I can love my country and hate my government. That's legal and patriotic. But most importantly, I can recognize the truth. I don't have to make the truth conform to my beliefs any longer- I make my beliefs conform to the truth. Please note that I said "any longer." This would be an excellent spot to offer up a definition of the term "cognitive dissonance." Cognitive dissonance occurs when individuals are confronted by facts which are in conflict with their existing belief systems. This causes people to become quite uncomfortable. They have a choice to make when c