
Showing posts from October 16, 2011

More Evidence of Manipulated Metals Markets, Physical Silver Unavailable

It is absolutely fascinating to listen to and read hundreds of people talking about silver shortages over the last 3-6 months. Instead of silver's price rising, it has actually gone down as big commercial banks are desperately driving the paper price down. Wow.,_Middle-East_Shortages.html

Gaddafi Stashed As Much As 200 Billion...

This is greed on Miracle Gro. Unreal. From Doug Ross...

Take Your Mind Off the Pain


Get This...Mexico Is Pissed That The United States Is Dumping Mexican Criminals Off At Mexican Border

Well ain't that just tough shit. Remember when the whole Congress was kissing Calderon's ass? I do. Which reminds me, Congress. Fuck you. And while I'm at it, fuck you Calderon. Some microscopic justice at the link.

For Non Bachmann Fans Everywhere...Lady Gaga Parody

I've never been a big fan of Michelle Bachmann. Not because I don't agree with her, but quite honestly because I don't think she's that bright. And oh yea, she is a lawyer. Shit... even her staffers don't like her.

TSA Now Leaving Airports to Look For Terrorists on The Highways

Quick grab your little wandy thingys, I think I have a terrorist in my closet. Gawd help us. From Sipsey Street, your one stop shopping center for all things Fast and Furious.

Louisiana Now Banning Cash In Misguided Attempt to Thwart Thieves

The statists are alive and well in Lousyanna. I can say that because I used to live in New Orleans. This is simply bad law. Louisiana is banning cash transactions in excess of (1) per month for the sale of second hand merchandise.   I call this the "accidental discharge" or "knee jerk" reaction rule. Imagine if you will, the police department going to the firing range every three months. Six men qualify at once. You have one hundred and twenty men to qualify on the range. During the course of qualifying officers, there is an accidental discharge which results in some Corporal's toe getting shot off by the officer at the neighboring station. The Chief decides that to prevent further accidental discharges, only one officer will be qualified at a time. This increases overtime costs dramatically for all of the officers waiting to qualify and also for the range instruc

We Spend 1.3 Trillion a Year On Agencies That Did Not Exist the Day that JFK Was Killed

Welcome to Frankenstein Government. From Randall Hoven at American Thinker. A very good read.

The Chevy Volt- A Huge Waste of Money, Now Being Given Away

At 46 thousand dollars apiece, after taxes, preparation, destination charges etc.- the Chevy Volt is a complete non starter. In fact, at 30 grand less- the Hyundai Elantra gets better mileage, it is quicker, and roomier. Unfortunately- even the South Koreans are kicking our asses. The only reason I would buy a Volt is to park it in storage and gamble that 50 years from now that it might be worth something as a first year boondoggle. Government Motors is aptly named. Here's their latest trick. Giving the Volt away.

Gold and Silver Update*Update

I wanted to plug Turd Ferguson's, "TF Metals" site tonight. Turd's site is about one of ten that I read daily and weekly. It is excellent and I love the comments. Turd and the commenters keep the trolls to a minimum. Many of the players are futures players- although the incredible margin hikes in silver have literally ruined that market. The ratio, 1 actual dollar in your account for every 6 dollars of silver controlled by a contract (at 30 bucks an oz.) has essentially ruined the small speculators. The good news is that the silver market has been turned over to only strong hands which means the volatility is likely gone. Remember a simple rule. Banks hate precious metals. Metals are real money. They are the competition. Every time you buy metal- you are shorting worthless and unbacked currencies. The CFTC has voted for position limits. No longer can giant commercials force the price of metals down with unlimi

Obama's Last Chance

It must be tough being so intelligent. That big 'ol Columbia/Harvard brain just sitting there doing nothing. Bus tours. Trying to make nice. How would it be to have the answer to your re-election dreams sitting in front of you and not notice it? That's the problem when you are forever broadcasting rather than listening. When you have decided that you are the teacher and never the student. That's too bad. Because you see, Bank of America's pending theft of taxpayer dollars, is a dream come true. Can you imagine- rather than exposing taxpayers to a multi trillion dollar derivatives debt- if Obama were to grow a pair of balls. To finally do what he should have done 3 years ago. Tell Bank of America they are done. No more bailouts. Adios. Receivership. Can you imagine the cheer that would go up in America? Finally the assholes that engineered this disaster would

The Accidental Libertarian

The story I am about to tell you is true and as I scroll backward, I think it is odd how life shapes you. How values can shape political beliefs. Back in my police chief days- I was hell bent on telling the truth. That was my standard. I tried very hard to always tell the truth to people even when I knew they would not like it. I didn't really care for pollyanna spin or lying politicians which I was finding in epidemic proportions. And if I caught you lying and waxing some bullshit to me- I made a point of calling you on it. This prevented a lot of subsequent bullshitting. However, this penchant I had for truth telling - cut my career a little short. That was the downside. We all make choices. Kiss up or tell the truth. Very often, those two styles are mutually exclusive. Many years ago, I was at one of these giant statewide meetings in Boise promoting Idaho's seat belt law. There were mayors, local and state politicians, city administrators, chiefs, sheriffs, the media. Ve

Idiot Moonbat Jackson, From Bankrupt Illinois, Asking That Obama Suspend the Constitution...

,,,or some shit like that. This is an interesting article. It may qualify for one of my crappy writing awards by failing to stay on point and rambling. Weird stuff at the end.

The Criminal Enterprise That Some Refer To As Bank of America, Now Imploding, Taking Taxpayers With It

How can a bank socialize it's losses and rip off the American taxpayer? By doing this. Simply unbelievable.

Wow...People Really Don't Have a Clue

A few months ago, a very good friend of mine who reads this blog, told me he skips over anything having to do with money or the FED. He said it confused him and he didn't understand it. This is a guy who would be quite happy if I just posted pictures of half naked chicks on here. Not that I have anything against half naked chicks...but... I forget. I forget that our people have been purposefully misinformed and misled. That our nation, run by bankers, has done very little to teach the millions of citizens just how they will be ripped off for the rest of their lives. Bankers profit by keeping consumers stupid. Since bankers and the government have always been in bed together- and the government runs your education system- I don't think it's such a mystery why the average American doesn't know shit about the FED. They can't tell you how money is created, they don't understand anything that the banking world does. This is not an over sight. This was done on p

The Most Transparent Administration Ever!

Subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation. Darrell Issa holding a completely redacted page. Think they have something to hide?

Anonymous People Now Suing Because They Are Getting Old, Moonbats Mulling Stolen Vanity Act

More greed driven insanity. Geezus. I don't know where to start or who to hate here. State someone's age, get sued for a million. Maybe we should pass another law preventing such insensitive and outrageous conduct- the Stolen Vanity Act. Calling Mr. Conrad. Scroll to the last few lines of the piece. You can't sue without damages so read what they allege are damages. You can't make this shit up.

Moonbats Introduce and Pass Stupid Law, Courts Debate It, Moonbats Will Undoubtedly Try To Uphold It, All of This Insanity Preventable Had Stupid Law Not Been Passed In the First Place

Now comes the "Stolen Valor Act." In 2005, the moonbats looked around and thought to themselves, we need some more stupid laws. What can we come up with? Two democrats, including Kent Conrad, introduced the Stolen Valor Act. This was a law that was supposed to prevent people from lying about receiving war medals. Why? Well because lying just ain't right. And leave it to the moonbats and RINOs to pass some ridiculous law that regulates what people say about themselves. We need to lock people up who tell fibs. If that were the case, every politician we have would be locked up. Including Mr. Conrad of North Dakota. Conrad you might remember... is one of the politicians that received one of those cozy little home loans from Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide fame. Angelo gave out signature loans on his own lending authority, greased politicians, the details of which Conrad has never fully disclosed. What we really need is- &

There Goes That Crazy Ron Paul Again, Talking About Ending Colossal Government Failures Like Departments of Education and Energy

What a madman that Paul is. Not only does he think the US is broke, but he wants to end useless government bureaucracies and get us out of wars. What the hell is he thinking? No wonder he gets no press. For more crazy ideas like cutting EPA spending by 30%... please read the summary at the link. My other favorite pet project is California. Thought I'd slip this in here... Not only have the moonbats turned California into a pure socialist state...but soon the rest of the U.S. will be asked to start bailing out these liberal strong holds like California and Illinois. I hope all hell breaks loose. I'd rather sell California back to the Mexicans at this point. Not kidding.

One Hundred Year Old Fossil Found Running in Toronto Marathon

Holy shit. They asked this guy what his secret was. This is what he said. He smokes only filter-less cigarettes claiming that it is those toxic filters that kill you. He only drinks organically produced alcohol and refuses to eat cantaloupe. He votes moonbat and always runs with a helmet, see picture.

Fear, Obedience, and Intolerance...If the Quran Is The Word Of God, We Are In a Lot of Trouble

I don't personally know anybody that has read the Quran. That is a fact. Wikipedia's page on the Quran is very nice. It says nothing of the style or voice expressed by the Quran. And since a billion Muslims adamantly believe it is the word of God or Allah, I suppose it was time for me to read it. I chose not to practice contempt prior to investigation. It was time to investigate. So it was, I was determined to read the Quran this weekend.  What I read shocked me. Really, shocked me. The English translation. One of the things that absolutely confounds me are the flaming liberals who being chiefly atheistic- are quick to defend something like the Quran. A book that many have never read but pretend that they have. Next time you get somebody running their mouth about Muslims, Islam, or the Quran...ask them if they have read the Quran. And if they answer "yes", follow up with a little quiz of your own. Ask them how