Rapture Ready
One of the problems I have had with buying my new house recently- was that I am fairly certain that when the rapture occurs, I won't be needing the house. Harold Camping thinks the rapture occurs tomorrow. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-may-21-doomsday-films-pictures,0,2034399.photogallery That's the problem with these rapture events. The rapture makes planning your life, at least financially, problematic. I am one of those lunatics that believes that Jesus Christ was indeed my savior. Not an enlightened guy or a guy in touch with his inner child. I believe that Christ was indeed, the real deal. That belief presents me with a couple of odd dilemmas. I think that it is a little presumptuous of me to think that I am worthy. Maybe I won't go. That would suck. Getting left behind with a bunch of atheistic moonbats. Can you imagine the horror? Secondly, does this rapture thing happen at midnight and do people on the east coast get raptured early, like acc