Melrose- The Sunday Collage
Late last week, I was forced to cut my motorcycle trip through Montana short. The weather was so cold and rainy (and forecast to get far worse) that riding a motorcycle through it was miserable and getting a little unsafe. As I viewed the forecast for the following day which was Sunday- it looked like my only shot at getting out of there. Sunday's high was supposed to be 61 and that looked a lot better to me than the 50 degree highs forecast for Monday and Tuesday. As it happens, it snowed in Butte on Tuesday. I doubt Butte ever saw 50 degrees that day. I left Butte right around 11 a.m. on Sunday and figured I'd stop in Dillon which is about 70 miles south. About 30 miles south of Butte is a little town called Melrose. Melrose has always been a mystery to me. Montana is full of towns like Melrose- towns that blossom with some possibility of becoming important social centers and then ultimately- they yield to obscurity and survival at some subsistence level with people who are