
Showing posts from November 15, 2015

Now the Government Wants Your Passport- The Sunday Collage

More "land of the free" blogging.  This time it's the "Drive Act." The government is calling it a highway and infrastructure bill and it's free!! I am going to just post this and edit it tonight- so forgive me if you find any glaring mistakes, I have lots to do today. The "Drive Act" like the "Patriot Act" and the "Heart Act", is yet another mislabeled and deceptive piece of legislation designed to raise more taxes and steal money from already existing, dedicated funds. Contained within the Heart Act is a provision that allows the government to seize your passport- your paid for property- if they decide you owe them more than 50,000 in taxes. Like freezing your banks accounts, the government does this without any sort of due process. Due process as you will recall- is part of that thing called the Bill of Rights. In 2014, over 3400 Americans renounced their citizenship. That figure is set to double in 2015. The truth is,...

Life, or Sometimes Death, In Moderation- The Sunday Collage

Today I want to talk  little bit about the rise of extremism and intolerance. The idea was brought to me courtesy of a statement by a political candidate who believes abortion under all circumstances- including rape or incest- should be illegal. (Carson) Very often this position is taken by religious zealots who believe that somehow instances of rape and incest are examples of "God's will" and that a subsequent birth despite the criminal circumstances that led to the conception- were somehow ordained by our creator. Indeed, I have friends who read this blog and who agree with that position. I am ok with that and I'll explain why in a bit.  If I've learned one thing over the years, I think it would have to be that life should almost always be done in moderation. The needle should hang around the middle of the gauge. When an issue becomes extreme- the people promoting extreme views become unstable and downright dangerous. People adhering to extremes cannot accep...