Twitter: A Platform Where Cowards Call the Shots
Wow. Two blogs in a week. You'd think I was retired with not much to do. I've had this blog for 12 years. The only comments I've ever deleted, other than spammers, were three assholes that came in to say nasty things. I have always valued a person's right to free speech and quite honestly, if you write some garbage, then people should be entitled to comment appropriately. It seems only fair. The first blog I was ever booted from was "naked capitalism" maybe 6 years ago. I had the audacity of questioning the author's conclusions (Susan Webber) about Modern Monetary Theory or MMT. Not only did she ridicule what I had to say, she ridiculed me. I instantly recognized that nasty sort of attack as the modus operandi of a liberal. Liberals aren't interested in any opinion that contradicts their own opinions. Liberals say stupid shit- like they believe in "unity" and "tolerance" yet they do not. You must toe their party line. Despite the f