"At Least I Tried"- The Sunday Collage
Imagine seeing the following ad. Help Wanted Small non profit is looking for someone to work crappy hours, often on call and with short notice. You will be receiving very little pay with no benefits. Training is poor and inadequate, the equipment you will be using is old and out of date- and any attempt to upgrade it will be met with icy silence. Your supervisors have no management training or management skills. We have no human resources nor do we see any need for that. You will be required to be loyal and obedient. If not, we will use gossip and innuendo to make disciplinary decisions. Your immediate supervisor is sleeping with a co-workers son. The director of our firm is sleeping with one of your co-workers. We treat our clients and our staff poorly because we can. We have no competition and a captive stream of drug addicted clients paid for with taxpayer funds. This will be one of the most dysfunctional environments you will ever work in. Our employee turnover rate is around 5