On Line Poker- We're Coming To Get You
Forget all of those millions of fraudulent liars loans. Thousands of people originating non performing loans for people who would never make the payments. Rating agencies giving fraudulent "AAA" status to bundled and bad mortgages- stealing investor money all over the world. The greatest controlled fraud of all time got a big old walk-courtesy of President Obama. Rather than prosecute a few thousand of their own crooked bankers on Wall St., New York State decided to get tough on three internet poker sites. You see, those are easy targets. They don't grease government. In the court of public opinion, the vast majority of Americans won't care. They know that. That's what this is really all about. Government cannot find a way to steal a large portion of the proceeds from off-shore gaming companies. They don't pay the government vigorish. Taxes. If government could extract 30 or so percent, trust me, internet gaming would be legal. Pay us and we'll make yo