
Showing posts from January 30, 2011

Proof That The World Is Nuts

The country of Malawi wants to extend a law, passed in 1929, to include farting. Public flatulence will now be illegal. At first I thought this was a joke. Then I read that it is a lawyer that is pushing for this and I knew that it was legit. There will be moonbat lawyers in California, perhaps even in Moonbat Valley, Idaho, that will be upset that they did not get in on the "cutting edge" of this new prescient law. Moonbat Valley has a dog poop law. They have found dog poop to be visually offensive. Apparently the sight of dog poop on a snowy white trail ruins their outdoor experience. They are not going to take this any more. But I digress... We should get in on this tsunami of sensitivity and consciousness. Why re-invent the wheel?  We could call our new law something cool, like "human crop dusting." We could have advertising campaigns to create "public awar

Good News From The Corners

I read every blog on my blog roll daily.  A few days ago- I noted how much stronger silver had been acting against it's golden cousin. That idea was confirmed yesterday as gold settled down a little...but silver went up. Harvey Organ's blog is an excellent place to get the inside scoop. His report here bodes very well for silver. He speculates that March is the battleground. I believe the war will start in earnest on Monday with a tremendous ramp up very possible. The Friday jobs report was terrible. Virtually no jobs were created and a half million people ran out of benefits. That means they are no longer counted. That means the unemployment rate dropped to 9.0. At this point in time, BLS generated unemployment figures have virtually no meaning. They have in effect marginalized themselves. Great read here.

Ultimately, the Liberal Belief System Will Fail

It's been a tough week on me. I think I am over the hump. I kept a wary eye on everything that happened in the economic world this week, including those ridiculously small budget cuts. Like pissing in the ocean. I encourage you to watch the Rand Paul interview segment at the bottom of this piece. Please don't assume I am some Republican that runs around and hates on Democrats and liberals if you just stumbled in here. I have nearly equal contempt for both parties. There is no solution in either of them. One steals my money and gives it to the wealthy and elite- the other steals my money and distributes it to the poor. You are free to choose which philosophy is best- but in the end it will not matter much. Your work product, your freedom, has been stripped. All you are really deciding is which thief to surrender to. The debt mountain piles high either way. The liberal experiment is just about over. This crazy notion that we have an inexhaustible supply of money is coming t

When We Were Kings

Image A guy on a fuel truck. Not hardly. When you are young with your whole life ahead of you, anything is possible. For a couple of kids, the possibilities seem endless. Kings for a day. I met Craig Adamson in 1984. I was a young cop and he was the new County Ambulance Service Director. We met at some forgotten accident scene and we hit it off. Craig was one of those well adjusted guys with a lot of common sense. For some reason, he had a lapse in that common sense and asked me to become an EMT and work in Emergency Medical Services with him. I was young and stupid and it sounded fun. We worked together for four years. I worked part time for the ambulance service and eventually became an Advanced EMT- while still doing the Deputy Sheriff thing. I did not become "poorer" for that experience. Craig absolutely loved being an EMT. He loved what he did and I have to say, there was nobody better. He was the first one out t

Wall Street Doing Just Fine, Thanks Suckers!

From yahoo with love. If that doesn't light up your life, try this.

Inflation? Yea That Was the Goal, What's Your Point?

Since 2007, Ben Bernanke has been consistently transparent. The FED hates deflation. Deflation you see is a very normal consequence of free markets. Deflation penalizes debt holders. It makes people with little debt and savings far richer. It rewards prudence. The Bernank is well aware of this. Who would have gotten screwed by deflation? Banks and debt holders. So for three years, anyone who has passed an Econ 101 class has had to watch the Bernank try to print his crony bankers out of bankruptcy. They have pulled out every stop. Secret loans, taxpayer bailed out banks who don't have to absorb losses, mythical accounting standards, manipulated BLS numbers, and lies. Lots of lies and distractions. But Ben has a gawd awful problem now. He can't stop the inflation train. To raise rates now means the debt we owe and must refinance goes parabolic. Banks can't unload all those toxic loans and foreclosed houses. In short, the Bernank is screwed. He has painted himself in the cor

*Crappiest Writing of the Week, Groundhog Day Inaugural Winner Announced!

*I am going to try and play nice. Just focus on the writer content. I read a lot of things on line. I try to link the most coherent (those that agree with me) and I ignore all those stupid bastards (those who disagree with me) who write ridiculous things. However, every once in awhile I read something so gawd awful it is a "stand out." Thus this award. I read some very funny things. My favorite site is "knuckledraggin my life away." I catch it every day. The writer is very funny, clearly hates libtards, and ends a lot of rants with "Fuck Obama." How can you not like that? Anyone who calls his dog, Charliegoddamnit is alright in my book. My absolute favorite part of his site, is the comment box. I laugh every time I read his "notice." Rather than stealing it, I am going to link his comment site here. You gotta love this guy. I have secret fantasies

The Screwing You Get For the Screwing We Got

How do you explain to a bunch of math challenged moonbats and status quo elitists that we aren't just broke, but that we owe 20 trillion? (I include Fannie and Freddie) That 14.2 trillion dollar deficit rings up 1.9 TRILLION a year in interest? People just don't get it. They think the bank will just extend us more credit. They have a checking account that is one million in the hole and they are still writing checks! Your FED is monetizing the debt. Adding zeroes. There is no money moonbats. Elitists, you have killed the host. It's game over. You cannot GDP grow your way out of this. You cannot print your way out of this. You cannot spend your way out of this. You have two choices. Slash and burn all government spending or risk default and collapse. You no longer have the luxury of debating which program is worthy or has merit. They ALL have to go. The greatest political performance ever- is the one we are about to witness in the coming months. Because both of these sp

Publius Huldah Says Nullification Is Legal

Great piece. Well worth a look. Moonbats move along. Nothing for you to see here. One juicy little slice. Hamilton, Madison & Thomas Jefferson show us that Nullification is the Answer. 3. Hamilton shows in Federalist No. 28 (7th para) that if the federal government invades the rights of the People, they can use the State government as the instrument of redress: …in a confederacy   the people … may be said to be … the masters of their own fate. Power being almost always the rival of power, the general [federal] government will … stand ready to check the usurpations of the state governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government.  The people , by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress …. [emphasis added] So!  When the People of the State of Missouri approved Proposition C nullifying obamacare, they proper

Why Did the Obama Administration Select the Term "Outlier" When Describing Judge Vinson's Ruling?

The other day, RawMuse made a note of the term "outlier" as used by the Obama administration in describing Judge Vinson's ruling which essentially throws the whole Obamacare law out. A definition of the term from wiki: In statistics , an outlier [1] is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data . To be sure, "outlier" is a fantastic piece of vocabulary. It involves math which nobody in this administration has ever shown any proclivity for- or demonstrated any basic knowledge of. That the term was metaphorically applied begs the question, "Why did they select that term?" It is no secret that Obama assembled a team of various psychologists and behavioral scientists during the 07-08 campaign. The conclusion that they arrived at was a basic one. People fear isolation. They fear not being a included or a "part of" something. People fear social isolation. So if you could make Obama the latest and greatest fad or hoola

Six and One Half Million Ounces of Silver Sold in January

An all time record. Give me credit for 150. Here is last year's monthly totals.

Only 44 Million on Foodstamps, Let the Good Times Roll!


Hank Paulson, Financially Rich-Morally Bankrupt

Sleep well sweet prince. Like I've been saying for three years, this time the NY Post climbs on board.

Investment Theories, Gold and Silver, Cro Magnon Winners, Genius Losers

I've been looking at some charts for gold and silver all week. I don't get into specifics, other than I like to look at the standard patterns, primarily double bottoms in stocks for a floor or short term resistance levels for metals. Charting I think- is far more significant for short term traders and people playing with time sensitive options and futures contracts. Since I tend to be a long term investor and have exited options, I am not too concerned with daily fluctuations. Having said that, I am strongly considering getting back into options, which is why I have been paying close attention to gold and silver charts. Let me meander just a bit here to illustrate a point. I never take a position or bet without asking one simple question. What am I hoping to achieve? Having said that, I am going to let you in on a secret of mine. I nearly always make trifecta plays at the horse racing track. I put together exotic wheels that always allow huge scores. I key live longshots in

Judge Vinson's Logic Wll Make No Sense To the Supreme Court Statists

I was reading through Judge Vinson's ruling on Obamacare. Vinson said that compelling individuals to purchase something is an unprecedented act on the part of the Feds. He makes a pretty funny argument here that makes a lot of sense. But Vinson says he can’t find any Supreme Court guidance on this particular question because Congress has never regulated inactivity before. If judges allow such a novel form of regulation to stand, he writes, Instead of attempting to control wheat supply by regulating the acreage and amount of wheat a farmer could grow as in Wickard, under this logic, Congress could more directly raise too-low wheat prices merely by increasing demand through mandating that every adult purchase and consume wheat bread daily, rationalized on the grounds that because everyone must participate in the market for food, non-consumers of wheat bread adversely affect prices in the wheat market. Or, as was discussed during oral argument, Congress could require tha

Remember that 20 Billion Dollars BP Put Aside for the Spill?

Yea. Out of 91,000 claims, BP has paid just one (1). And they are refusing to disclose who that went to. It's a secret, don't you know? Why the secrecy? Well, you can bet it's some politically connected crony outfit, the article says it's a BP partner. Love to follow that money trail. More fine government efficiency. The date of the spill? April 20, last year. We are going on one year and BP hasn't paid jack shit. All of those desperate people will probably settle for a fraction of what they should have gotten by now. They'd have been better off telling government to screw off and just went about their business. At least they'd have some money and a better bargaining position. This shit is criminal and purposeful. That's how the thugocracy , kleptocracy , crony government works. Hijack 20 billion for political expediency

US Markets Shrug Off Inflation Causing Riots, Levitate on Schedule

Over the weekend, I noticed a number of commenters on various sites, wondering why futures for commodities were not up. Particularly gold and silver. Quite honestly, Egypt just doesn't get the pulse racing. They are not significant oil producers, they are importers of wheat and other grains. That's not meant to minimize their struggle. In America, people are still buying gas and swilling beer. We won't care costs Billy Bob 150 bucks to fill up his pickup and a six pack of beer costs 20 bucks. When that moment arrives, expect complete Armageddon. I continue to expect the stock market to to ramp up as funds try to make some sort of return in an environment where there is no return anywhere else. The unintended consequences of QE2, and the effect Bernank is after, is runaway inflation. He prefers that to deflation and it is no small matter that our government wants the Chinese to de-peg their currency to ours. That is the real war that is raging, not Egypt. So f

Judge Roger Vinson, In Upward Mobility Ending Move, Tosses Out Obamacare

This is the government's position. "We don't have a health plan, we will invent one and not read it, we will not tell anyone what it is, and we will make you all pay for it. Well at least those of you who we don't like- we will make exceptions for ourselves and our friends." What could go wrong with that plan? Everything. Thank gawd there are still some rational people out there with a spine. Thanks Judge Vinson for doing the right thing. We shall soon see if the Supremes are capable of similar, rational thought.

Hey! Thanks For Bailing Us Out Suckers, How's Our Backside Taste?

A proud day in America. From the fine folks at Deutschbank, a J.P Morgue/Stanley subsidiary, and a few other zombies we were forced into bailing out.

The Best Piece of Work I Have Read In a Long Time... on Jobs and Jobs

You won't find this in the pollyana mainstream media. You sure as hell won't hear it on CNBC which is owned by GE. Because Obama's new jobs czar, Jeffrey Immelt of GE- absolutely loves China. And like every other greedy bastard in this country- he can't get enough slave labor here and he damn sure doesn't wanted to get priced out of those fat and juicy margins in China. You will love the snip on Apple. I had no idea they built all of those Iphones in Asia. Or that they could do it here and still make a profit of 50%. I am going to have to rethink my fondness for Apple and for Steve Jobs. At any rate, this is what you get when you have an inexperienced man as a President-one that presents a job killing piece of health care legislation at the precise moment when we need jobs the most. The law of unintended consequences is on display here. Five stars to naked capitalism for this piece- the best I've read this year.