Why I Can't Wait for Obamacare!
The greatest tax increase of our lifetime cannot get here fast enough for me. The beauty of Obamacare is that nobody really knows how much it's going to cost- I've got a pretty good idea. I am a 52 year old non smoking male. Mandatory Obamacare sold through state exchanges starts Oct.1. My best guess via this website- for the CHEAPEST plan- will be 300 a month. Probably 400 a month for the CADILLAC plan. Here is a site that tries to break Obamacare down. The problem now is that health insurers are cranking up premiums just as high as they can possibly go before all of this starts. So these figures have to go up. http://truecostblog.com/2012/08/07/how-much-will-insurance-cost-under-obamacare/ I am precisely the type of person that the government is targeting. Anybody who is reasonably healthy or young who has opted out of health insurance and is not supplementing the bad health choices of all of those buffet dwellers and drug users - are being forced back in. Forcing he