
Showing posts from January 20, 2013

Why I Can't Wait for Obamacare!

The greatest tax increase of our lifetime cannot get here fast enough for me. The beauty of Obamacare is that nobody really knows how much it's going to cost- I've got a pretty good idea. I am a 52 year old non smoking male. Mandatory Obamacare sold through state exchanges starts Oct.1. My best guess via this website- for the CHEAPEST plan- will be 300 a month. Probably 400 a month for the CADILLAC plan. Here is a site that tries to break Obamacare down. The problem now is that health insurers are cranking up premiums just as high as they can possibly go before all of this starts. So these figures have to go up. I am precisely the type of person that the government is targeting. Anybody who is reasonably healthy or young who has opted out of health insurance and is not supplementing the bad health choices of all of those buffet dwellers and drug users - are being forced back in. Forcing he

ReBlog: The Tyranny of the Majority and the Right to Secede

NOV 21 The Tyranny of the Majority and the Right To Secede   The difference between a republic and a democracy is an important distinction. The United States was founded as a "republic" and not as a democracy. A republic follows a rule of law, a democracy is led by the majority. A democracy is simply mob rule. In a democracy, the minority is subjected to the tyranny of the majority. Here's a great link which distinguishes the two forms of government. Here is a definition and a summary of the two forms of government.  A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the Constitution). A democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (the public good). Unfortunately, if you ask 100 citizens of the U.S. what form of government they have, 99 of them will tell you that

Great Chinese Employer, Apple, Getting Greased After Hours

The rout is on. Every hedge fund and retirement fund is heading for the exits. Apple Inc  (NASDAQ:AAPL) Add to Watch List Set Alert During the Trading Day 514.01   +9.24  /  +1.83% Data as of 4:00pm ET Day’s Change During After-Hours    Switch to standard view » 463.49   -50.51  /  -9.83% Volume: 8,724,000 Quote Profile News Charts Forecasts Financials Shareholders Competitors 1 day 3 days 5 days 1 month 3 month 6 month YTD 1 year 3 year 5 year  vs. Electronic Technology  News Chart

Cowards, GOP Kick Debt Ceiling Can Until Mid May

Wow. Anybody who tells me the GOP is better than the Dems- is an idiot. But then again, I've been saying that for six years. Time for another bank fueled market rally on the good news! Link. More on the latest gimmick. No budget no pay- what a joke.

American DEM/GOP Voters

A full 91% of you disapproved of Congress before the election, 94% of the incumbents were re-elected.

I Don't Apologize for Exercising My Rights*Updated

Nothing bothers me more than two things. People who are chastised for exercising their GOD given human rights in some pre-emptive fashion or people forced to apologize for exercising those rights, particularly when they have done nothing wrong. With all due respect- screw that. If I wanted someone to tell me what to say, or how to say it, I'd get a job working for Vlad Putin. We are supposed to be a FREE country. The rights enumerated to you via the Constitution and more specifically, the Bill of Rights, were not given to you by men. You were born with them and they are God given. They were not meant to be filtered by a bunch of cowardly liberals with their chicken shit "politically correct" dictionary from  Berkeley. And exercising free speech, including the truth, is not something you should ever apologize for. I don't. Three times this week I have commented on Huffpo about the statists' half baked opinions as viewed through their pink lenses. Three ti

Lance Armstrong Photo- Drug Free

Stolen from "It Ain't Holy Water" Nice To See Lance Armstrong Off Drugs Posted by  Chief Nose Wetter   at  1:44 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to:  Post Comments (Atom)