Let's Rig the 2024 Election!
The election fraud of 2020 is never going to go away. More and more substantiated proof accumulates each day and over 1000 sworn affidavits of fraud and questionable conduct have been ignored by officials and the courts. These are from people like you and I. I don't think I have ever seen anything like this since JFK was killed and they spent years trying to convince us that some lone, single, communist assassin loser killed the president. Kennedy was shot from the front and side. That can be seen on the Zapruder film. I don't need some bullshit Warren Commission to tell me what anyone with warm blood and half a brain can see for themselves. Despite Zapruder's film our government, Johnson's government, still managed to convince a gullible America that some half assed communist was responsible. They went to HUGE lengths to convince us of that. The cover up that followed was the single greatest fraud ever foisted on a naive American public. It would take nearly 60 years