Obamas Favorite Dessert...Who Writes This Crap??
Today is Veteran's Day. We are fighting two wars, we have skyhigh unemployment, a national debt roughly the size of Rhode Island, and more domestic problems than you can shake a stick at. And somebody takes the time to write this stuff? And somebody else takes the time to read it? http://airamerica.com/lifestyle/11-10-2009/capital-culture-obama-pastry-chef-the-crustmaster / I don't give a rat's ass about Obama, his wife, his kids, his ugly dog, his pizza chef, or his pastry chef, how big his penis is, or his golf game. I do however care about my country and the people that died trying to defend it so that dipshits like this could write stories about pastry chefs. Man, I gotta tell ya. If this stuff doesn't smack of Nero fiddling while Rome burns, I don't know what does. Make sure you thank a vet today for his service. Show some gratitude and respect for the things that matter. Obama or his pastry chef? Er...not so much.