Wow. Today I took a cab ride from the Fairgrounds all the way back to Tchoupitolous and Poydras. My cab driver was black which is hardly newsworthy. What is newsworthy is the absolute polarization among voters in this country, especially minorities. The cabbie, named Manny, hated Romney. But what Manny didn't say- was that Romney was an old, rich, white guy. In New Orleans, the blacks don't really care for old, rich white guys. I kept my mouth shut. Eventually when Manny questioned me directly- I told the him what I tell everyone. Both candidates suck. I won't vote for either. Minorities in this country are not colorblind. And no matter how much Obama lies, plays golf, vacations, pays off his cronies with taxpayer funds (green energy concerns gone bankrupt) and ignores the rule of law- minorities will still vote for this man. That causes conservatives anguish. They don't get it. Why? It's about mistaken perception. It doesn't matter how big a screw u...