We The People
I am very careful to compartmentalize my government and political views from my personal life. In other words, I rarely allow them to mix. When I began this blog a few years ago, I very nearly named it "We the People" and maybe I should have. What I never considered calling it was "We the Republicans", or "We the Democrats." I didn't consider calling it "We the Conservatives" or "We the Liberals." Why? These labels are the reasons we fight and argue. Those labels are no longer useful. In fact, no brand or flavor of politics should ever be allowed to trump common sense. The Constitution starts with the ultimate definition of power and common sense. It says... "We the people" We the people are supposed to be in control. Not democrats, not republicans. Not Bush, not Obama, and certainly not the Federal Reserve. We let these usurpers take our inherent power. They used partisan politics to distract us and now they thin...