
Showing posts from November 29, 2009

A Frankenstein Dog and Pony Show

In just a minute, I am going to give you a link. The Senator grilling Fed Reserve Chairman Bernanke, is more or less dead on. Bernanke could care less. Why? Because his confirmation is a done deal. So what you are about to witness is a dog and pony show. A complete waste of time, Frankenstein style. Bernanke is no free thinker. He is a good boy. Good boys keep their jobs and make their masters happy. Serving the public? Forget about it. I am surprised Bernanke didn't stifle a yawn or two. But then good boys know better. l

Tiger Woods Will Always Be My Hero

Man, I get sick of writing about government all the time. Once in awhile, I have to deviate. I have two heroes in the golf world. John Daly floats to the top because he is such an insufferable alcoholic and true under dog. My other hero is Tiger Woods for completely different reasons. Now I have a lot in common with these two dudes. I am male, I golf, and I was once occupying the space that Daly and Woods now occupy. But Tiger, he is what I call a golf robot. Literally raised to do nothing else but become a golf warrior. Oh yeah, I remember the footage from Johnny Carson of the then-three year old Woods swinging a driver. I have followed Woods life closely. His amatuer championships, his departure from Stanford, his interviews and open mike profanity at a British Open, the Fuzzy Zoeller black jokes. His current marriage which was arranged, I believe, through fellow golfer Jesper Parnevik. Oh yea, and I saw those nude photos of Nordegren. I mean, I thought those photos were real. Really

Got Balls?

I've been following a couple of stories this week. Incredible stuff. I've been trying to decide which incident took more balls. Crashing a Presidential party and embarrassing the shit out of the Secret Service or walking up to four police officers in a public place and executing them. I am a cause and effect guy. I immediately ask the question, were these people drunk, high, mentally ill or some combination of the three? I mean just when did their minds say, "Hey I got a great idea. Honey, why don't you jump into that red dress of yours, I'll throw on a tux, and let's go sneak into Obama's party?" I mean, what's the goal here? Publicity? Are they swingers? Did they have some undisclosed agenda or fantasy? Were they seeking a cabinet post? Did they pay their taxes? What was the motivation? Or all that hatred. "You know, my life is horrible. I am doomed and without hope. I mean I simply can't change my life. It's the cops fault. I think

With All Due Predictability, Benny Boy Speaks Out

The Federal reserve prints your money and sets interest rates. No audit has ever been conducted of this private bank that masquerades as an arm of the Federal Government. So as Ron Paul's bill to audit the Fed gains traction, the usual suspects emerge with the usual calm rhetoric and weak ass arguments. The biggest fraud ever perpetuated in the history of this country might finally face exposure. There is absolutely no reason not to audit the Fed and find out what they are up to. Honest and above board operations don't clamor for secrecy. They don't fear transparency. But this one does. Go figure. More from the current talking head here: