
Showing posts from October 18, 2015

Why I Decided To Quit Reading Media Shit- The Sunday Collage

  I spend 20-30 hours on line each week, reading and writing. There are so many good thinkers and good writers out here and I try to find them. I don't like wasting time reading garbage churned out by 25 year old writers who really don't have a clue about what the rest of us may know. I just can't read cheesy, generic writing from people who cannot think on their own. That includes any headline with some inflammatory twist or anything that smells like propaganda. Propaganda can be anything (an opinion) designed to make you think one way. Propaganda is a tool that our media owners use to divide us. Propaganda is never objective. Much of it is written by obedient employees. It is then filtered by a media editor who accepts or rejects it based on what his supervisors want. His supervisors want advertising dollars and they do not want controversial topics or truths. Big media is not interested in objective reporting nor do any of those ass wipes perform any "watchdog&q