
Showing posts from October 9, 2011

Obama and Democrat Voter Fraud? Withholding Solyndra Evidence? ATF Violates Law? What Precisely Do We Have To Do To Get Rid of This Guy?

Election fraud.. On Solargate...   On giving guns to Mexican drug cartels and getting agents killed.

Nobel Peace Prize Winning President Now Fighting Wars in 4 Countries, Not Including Arizona

Who will issue apologies on behalf of us when Barack is gone?

The Crackheads

A few months ago I moved into my new house. I have crackheads for neighbors. I call them crackheads in kind of a loving way. I have no idea whether they are crackheads or not. They do make a lot of noise. Late. Now one of the things you learn as you get older is not to screw with unstable people. Unstable people have a tendency to do the one thing that you would least expect. Like set your garage on fire. Therefore, a man must understand ones limitations before speaking with people who are as high as a kite. Trying to reason with or intimidate unstable people has about the same chance of success as catching the Loch Ness monster on 6 lb. test. I did not arrive at the ripe old age of 50, somewhat intact, by being a dumb shit. Having turned in my badge a few years ago leaves me feeling somewhat naked although I must admit I have compensated for that by adding some additional firearms to my existing arsenal- and growing a brain. Growing a brain usually means that my very first thought

Doctor Visits Down BigTime

Yesterday, my doctor called and wanted me to come in for a check up. I told her that I couldn't afford a 150 dollar office visit just to shoot the shit. I don't mind paying 40 or 50 bucks for ten minutes worth of chit chat but 150 bucks or 900 dollars per hour just doesn't interest me. I stumbled onto this chart and swiped it from Trust me on this. If people are blowing off doctor visits, people are broke. Wow. It begs the question...just who is picking up the slack?

The Bullshit Plot To Kill the Saudi Ambassador

I gotta tell ya. The other day when our government started falling all over themselves, telling us how they foiled this big terrible plot- I was thinking it was BS. Just a giant distraction in the midst of a crooked government falling apart at the seams. Interesting, that Eric Holder, still has a job. At any rate, this guy's take on the big assassination plot. Food for thought. More

Think Solyndra Was Bad? Administration Gives Away 1.2 Billion for 15 Permanent Jobs

That's 80 million a piece. And it doesn't appear that the 15 jobs that money created are all that permanent either. I am getting sick to my stomach just reading this shit. Your turn.

Sorting Out The Republican Nominee Disaster

This is Michelle Malkin's take on last night's debate. I will tell you that I was a passive Cain supporter until he said he supported Alan Greenspan. I don't know about you but every time Greenspan ever spoke that incessant gibberish of his...I wanted to punch him in the head. Greenspan's FED was responsible for the manufacturing of excessive credit, now debt, that is currently drowning the world. Greenspan, perhaps more than any other man, is responsible for this eternal mess we are in. That Cain supports that idiot tells me that he too- is either loyal, stupid, or just as morally corrupt as every other candidate. I underestimate the Republicans. They truly have the innate ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory every time. Sans Ron Paul, it is business as usual.

Precious Metals Update

There is truly nothing left for governments and banks to do but loan and print worthless money. We are getting very close to the end game. The precious metals markets have been under seige by big banks. I am not sure the average Joe understands just how bad governments and banks hate precious metals. Precious metals cannot be counterfeited. Buying precious metals is just like "putting or shorting" currency. It is one of the very few ways you as a citizen can fight inflation, a bankrupt government, and the central bank. One of the sites I read daily is Harvey Organ. I read his blogroll and the TF Metals report. Predicting when the currency will collapse under this smoldering pile of debt we have is tricky business. The government, the FED, and it's member banks are truly in charge. If I have learned one thing over the past year- it is that these corrupt entities will do anything they can

Why the Moonbats Will Support Mitt Romney and Why You Shouldn't

I've been watching the Republican candidates closely this year. The mainstream media knows their candidate is cooked. It would take a miracle of enormous proportions for Obama to have any kind of realistic chance of re-election. As the central planners, moonbats, and other statists look to swallow their bitter medicine- they without a doubt- will land on Romney. Romney comes from a state known for central planning. His health care law is central planning 101. In fact, the moonbats might giggle over Romney. He reminds me of any other RINO (Republican In Name Only) like McCain or Scott Brown. In fact, I think that nominating Romney will be exactly what the powers to be want and I think that is why anyone with half a brain should flee from this guy. Romney is the elite choice, all the money is sailing in on him, and for that reason alone he should be scuttled. I'm not kidding. He is a democrat in republican clothing. I'm not sure Perry is any better- if he even manages to

Woman Clearly Insane, Finds Lawyer As Equally Insane To File Lawsuit Because She Was Forced To Listen To Limbaugh on Police Car Radio

Ya know, I might just stick with the false arrest charges if I were this gal. However, if she wins, think of the precedent! All of the money we can make suing networks for making us watch and listen to Obama. This could be a real goldmine. We have a veritable bonanza of Goldman Sachs paid for campaign advertising coming our way.

Where Criminals Roam Free

Thousands upon thousands of worthless scum, criminals, wearing suits. Privatizing profits and socializing losses with the help of government cronies. We need help now. Light the signal!  The Batman comics call it Gotham City but there is no denying that it really is New York. A filthy city with violence and organized crime syndicates like Goldman Sachs. The worst bit is that even with all the efforts of the superhero, there is no end in sight to the number of criminals walking the streets. They just keep churning those greedy pricks out.

Red Hartebeest Takes Out Mountain Biker...Can We Get Some Hartebeests in Woodside, California Please?

This is what I am going to do if I get re-incarnated as a hartebeest. You will hear some weird ass moaning after the collision. Nobody checked on the poor hartebeest. Love the helmet commercial at the end. Moonbats. Some of us actually see shit coming at us. Like a bus or a charging hartebeest. Moron.

Lying and Kicking the Can Down the Road...The Choice of Politicians Everywhere

Ya wanna read something funny? Market up 300 as European leaders "SOLVE" the debt crisis. They haven't solved shit. You solve debt by paying it off. It is that simple. This is why you cannot predict the timing of the economic apocalypse. The willingness of governments to stay in power, the willingness of banks to lie about their solvency. They will do this for as long as they can. But it will end. Badly. Remember this simple axiom. You cannot spend your way out of debt. Ever. Under any circumstances. But I'll be damned if they don't keep trying, blowing ever increasing amounts of smoke up our collective asses.

How Do You Build a Small Business in California? Start With a Big One...

This article is just too good to pass up. Throughout my life, I have always found it amazing that what happens in California first- tends to sweep the nation. From gadgets to politics. Schwarzenegger was every bit as bad as Bush was. Note the similarities here:

Very Funny Photos, Courtesy of Moonbattery

Just as appropriate today, maybe more so, than when this blog was first published. Very funny. Worth the click. I guarantee it or your money back.

Divide and Conquer, How the Government and Banks Almost Won

They almost had us. We are not out of the woods yet. From the crooked politics that created the FED in 1913 until now, government and banking interests have been winning the war. The tide is beginning to change. Here's an odd little fact that I did not know or missed. Not only was the Federal Reserve hatched in private on Jekyll Island but the vote to pass it was almost strictly done- down party lines. And guess who voted for it? Democrats.   Do you know the single biggest reason we have a "Federal Reserve Bank?" So that politicians can spend without oversight. It's truly that simple. Can you imagine how long politicians would last, if year after year, they were forced to tell the American people what they were planning on spending and had to ask our permission before passing a budget? We wouldn't need term limits. What's in it for the FED? They profit. The FED exists as a giant hub. It's spokes are member banks. They sell debt. According to a we