All Men Are Not Created Equal- The Sunday Collage
I think men were created with rights. Be they God given or by galactic mistake. We weren't put here to serve others unless of course, we choose to do so. I guess that choosing part, who chooses, makes all the difference. Thomas Jefferson, the great polymath, penned the phrase "all men are created equal." As he penned that phrase, Tom must have forgotten about those slaves he owned. I suppose being a polymath does not always include uncovering your own hypocritical tendencies.The great truth is, all men are not created equal. They never have been. In fact it's not even close and as it turns out- that is a large part of our current problem. You see the big credentialed geniuses then and now- really aren't the geniuses we think they are. The truth does not become truth simply because some well respected man utters a phrase which we wished were true but in all reality- is completely false. Wishing something were true does not make it so. This week on "Am