
Showing posts from 2015

All Men Are Not Created Equal- The Sunday Collage

I think men were created with rights. Be they God given or by galactic mistake. We weren't put here to serve others unless of course, we choose to do so. I guess that choosing part, who chooses, makes all the difference. Thomas Jefferson, the great polymath, penned the phrase "all men are created equal." As he penned that phrase, Tom must have forgotten about those slaves he owned. I suppose being a polymath does not always include uncovering your own hypocritical tendencies.The great truth is, all men are not created equal. They never have been. In fact it's not even close and as it turns out- that is a large part of our current problem. You see the big credentialed geniuses then and now- really aren't the geniuses we think they are. The truth does not become truth simply because some well respected man utters a phrase which we wished  were true but in all reality- is completely false. Wishing something were true does not make it so. This week on "Am

Now Is the Time To Make Health Insurance Illegal- The Sunday Collage

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer Have you ever looked at a problem and thought...."A complete moron could do a better job of managing this?" That's how I feel about healthcare in the United States. Getting rid of health insurers would be a huge leap in the right direction. The idea is not mine. I culled it from the comments on a daily financial blog. The commenter failed to elaborate on the point yet I began to mull over the possibility that he was on to something. Let's call it a radical reform idea and preface it with a brief history of what happened within the entire health care arena prior to the controversial installation of the Affordable Care Act. For the purposes of this piece I am going to try and write this as politically non-partisan as possible because politics and who did what are little more than distractions to be st

Now the Government Wants Your Passport- The Sunday Collage

More "land of the free" blogging.  This time it's the "Drive Act." The government is calling it a highway and infrastructure bill and it's free!! I am going to just post this and edit it tonight- so forgive me if you find any glaring mistakes, I have lots to do today. The "Drive Act" like the "Patriot Act" and the "Heart Act", is yet another mislabeled and deceptive piece of legislation designed to raise more taxes and steal money from already existing, dedicated funds. Contained within the Heart Act is a provision that allows the government to seize your passport- your paid for property- if they decide you owe them more than 50,000 in taxes. Like freezing your banks accounts, the government does this without any sort of due process. Due process as you will recall- is part of that thing called the Bill of Rights. In 2014, over 3400 Americans renounced their citizenship. That figure is set to double in 2015. The truth is,

Life, or Sometimes Death, In Moderation- The Sunday Collage

Today I want to talk  little bit about the rise of extremism and intolerance. The idea was brought to me courtesy of a statement by a political candidate who believes abortion under all circumstances- including rape or incest- should be illegal. (Carson) Very often this position is taken by religious zealots who believe that somehow instances of rape and incest are examples of "God's will" and that a subsequent birth despite the criminal circumstances that led to the conception- were somehow ordained by our creator. Indeed, I have friends who read this blog and who agree with that position. I am ok with that and I'll explain why in a bit.  If I've learned one thing over the years, I think it would have to be that life should almost always be done in moderation. The needle should hang around the middle of the gauge. When an issue becomes extreme- the people promoting extreme views become unstable and downright dangerous. People adhering to extremes cannot accep

Getting Ready For the "One Big Run"

The great hockey player Wayne Gretzsky was great not because he knew where the puck was- but because he knew where the puck was going to be. In May of 2013, Ben Bernanke began his "we're going to raise rates" bullshit which is the last policy tool the Federal Reserve has left before introducing negative interest rates. A few of us who understand our debt fueled fiat currency scheme- knew this was bullshit. In fact, I wagered one ounce of gold with some moron back in April that the Fed wouldn't raise rates- this after they said they were going to raise interest rates in May or September. I have not heard from the moron since then nor was I too concerned about losing my gold. Now the latest rhetoric is Janet Yellen saying they may raise rates in December which is also bullshit. I will take all bets to the contrary.  For two and a half years I've been listening to this gibberish. At some point, you'd think the American people might wake up and figure this

Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder- The Sunday Collage

There is nothing that will make my blood boil faster than a rude driver. I think you'll like this story. It's about an old retired cop trying to come to terms with the realization that I can no longer intervene in the traffic dysfunction that is now part of my life nor can I acquire instant gratification through the use of a citation or a pair of handcuffs.  The chief problem I am desperately trying to overcome has to do with pushing a patrol car around for 25 years and becoming accustomed to people driving responsibly. I am used to motorists using their turn signals, yielding, putting away phones, and actually behaving when a patrol car is visible. This is the world I inhabited for 25 years. It seems like some sort of illusion or dream now- that world of courteous drivers. I can only describe what has happened to me since then as "Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder." This was the brave new world I discovered in 2007. The world the rest of you drive in. I am still tryi

Why I Decided To Quit Reading Media Shit- The Sunday Collage

  I spend 20-30 hours on line each week, reading and writing. There are so many good thinkers and good writers out here and I try to find them. I don't like wasting time reading garbage churned out by 25 year old writers who really don't have a clue about what the rest of us may know. I just can't read cheesy, generic writing from people who cannot think on their own. That includes any headline with some inflammatory twist or anything that smells like propaganda. Propaganda can be anything (an opinion) designed to make you think one way. Propaganda is a tool that our media owners use to divide us. Propaganda is never objective. Much of it is written by obedient employees. It is then filtered by a media editor who accepts or rejects it based on what his supervisors want. His supervisors want advertising dollars and they do not want controversial topics or truths. Big media is not interested in objective reporting nor do any of those ass wipes perform any "watchdog&q

If Obeying the Law Places You in Peril, You Must Break the Law- The Sunday Collage

For those of you who might have wandered in here and think you have stumbled upon the rantings of a man- one dosage short of properly medicated- know this. I am sober, free of psychotropic medications, I have no rap sheet and I believe in law. Good law. Not the shit this country currently debates. I am going to switch gears rapidly in this piece so try to keep up Troy. One of the problems of living in a government loving, statist, paradise is that the government worshippers never give it a rest. Statists, people who love government, do so because they want to force their brand of control and compliance upon everyone else. So they saddle up with government. Right now in America, the government worshippers are in control. Thirty years ago, Ronald Reagan stated "government isn't the solution- government is the problem." Indeed. That was before the whiners and the free shit army over ran the rest of us. The "life isn't fair" crowd are now firmly in

My H.I.P.P.A. Approved FG Update

The last few months have not been my best. In late July I managed to get a blood clot in my left leg which left me out of commission and flat on my back through most of August. The blood clot also exacerbated a problem in my left knee which got worse. When I returned back to work in mid- August, I left work one day and noticed these floating black objects in my right eye. I ignored these "floaters" thinking they would go away. At the end of August I moved into my old house. I was pulling weeds in the alley on Sept 2nd when one of the dead weeds I pulled up scratched my right cornea leaving me blind in that eye. I hoped that my eye would repair itself- instead it got worse. I also tripped over my computer cord and killed my computer around the 2nd. (I didn't see it with my eye out of commission.) On Sept 23, I went in to see an eye surgeon. He said that my eye was swollen, torn in three spots, and that my retina was on the verge of detaching. They had to perform su

Fantasy Football League and the Weekly Schtick- The Sunday Collage

A guy could get whiplash following our equity markets. The worst part is that our markets are completely directionless, manipulated, and although I think the trend is down- I can't short it here. I made some quick money and got out. These markets are so neurotic that you are forced to day trade- you don't dare leave open positions. Maybe some options would work best here. I am in awe that the FBI is actually investigating Hillary. Hillary's team said it was not a criminal probe- apparently that little known arm of the FBI aka the non-criminal cops- are busy trying to clear her name for any potential civil suits. Don't be surprised if the FBI actually comes back and says, "Ya know we did our very best but we could not find any evidence of wrong doing." At that point we will know with absolute certainty that our entire system is corrupt from top to bottom. However, the Obama administration, the one that has turned a blind eye on just about every high level a

The Reckoning Has Arrived- The Sunday Collage

Like many of you, I have been waiting for this time. The time when accounts finally get settled. I cannot believe it has taken this long. Late last week, the DJIA tanked over 800 points. An even bigger scale loss (%) occurred on the Nasdaq. You know it's serious when CNN headlines tout a "correction." They use the term "correction" to hedge their bets and to do their part in keeping the millions of lemmings locked long into the equity markets. I heard another calm, soothing voice on the radio say the "correction" would be healthy for the resumption of the"bull" market. Where do they find these people? These are the kinds of statements that occur when people get really nervous. They don't want you to panic because they know if you beat them out the door, they will be left holding it. He who panics first- panics best. I'm not sure that people understand that the world, with all of it's various markets and currencies, is a gian

The Last Hundred Miles- The Monday Collage

I had an epiphany yesterday. I was traveling home, late in the afternoon, westbound on the interstate. In Idaho, they have raised the speed limit to 80 so I travel right at 84 MPH. I have passed a number of state troopers doing this speed and in fact yesterday, I passed a trooper and a deputy- both stationary and running radar. So basically, 4 MPH over the speed limit does not generate any interest. However, in that 100 mile stretch home, I had five drivers cut me off. It was the craziest, most un-necessary and dangerous driving that I have seen in a long time. It was as though with nothing else to entertain them, drivers thought it might be fun to cut off other drivers. People were in the fast lane, on cell phones and eating hamburgers, refusing to yield. In one instance, I had a husky gal in a U-Haul not only cut me off after misjudging the speed of a merging tractor trailer rig- but she shamelessly flipped me off as she returned to the slow lane. Her inability to judge speed and

A Nation Full of Suckers- The Sunday Collage

Somewhere... P.T. Barnum and and the monkey boy are smiling. Do I want people to believe everything I write? Absolutely not. Perform your own due diligence. Each week as I surf the internet, I look for stories of interest. For years and most certainly since 2008, fringe bloggers like myself have known that just about every number put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or B.L.S.- is complete and utter bullshit. The government has rigged the data input to such an extent- that they can put out any number that they want. Why do they do this? The beautiful part about blogging about all of these lies and manipulations for years is that eventually and now evidently, all of those lies are beginning to be accepted as truth by more acceptable and credible sources than some old retired guy in Boise, Idaho. A favorite quote- I know of no greater truth than this because I have experienced it. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently oppos

Extreme Taxation With No Representation, The NEW U.S.A.- The Sunday Collage

The political stupidity has already started-so I'm changing back to the original name of this blog. That and the truth is- Frankenstein Government is exactly what we have. I nailed it the first time. I am going to do one thing differently. The posts are going to be succinct. No rambling diatribes. I am going to write like I speak- direct and to the point. Today's post is a little lengthy- so please excuse me just for today. About a year ago, I reconnected with a childhood friend of mine who retired as the athletic director of my high school. He was a good guy, good golfer, and that's how I remember him. The part that I didn't remember- was the part where he had become a flaming liberal. So day after day, I would read his commentary on Facebook about Bernie Sanders- our eastern communist. It was really starting to anger me. It's not just the part where you support some political moron- it's that his support tended to bash some really productive members of the

Saved By Grace- The Sunday Collage

Saved by grace. I took this post down once, I thought it was eligible for a re-do. At the turn of the 20th century, approximately 70% of the United States' citizens claimed some form of Christianity. In 2012, over 80% of Americans claimed to be Christian. Do you believe that?  Granted the poll is old (2012) and forgive me. I just stumbled onto it this week. So if we are this heap big, Christian nation- how come we don't act like it? Where is this Christian super majority? Perhaps I am insulated from all these folks. Maybe it's the company I keep. Often I think, perhaps my 25 years in Moonbat Valley with the liberals took their anti-Christian toll on me. They were my professors. They were the lawyers, the Wall St brokers and bankers, the real estate developers, therapists and doctors. They were the trust funders, the entrepreneurs, the carpenters, the small tow