15 Years of Frankenstein Government- The Sunday Collage
In 2009, I was 48 years old. Divorced, single, sober. My life was calm and serene. I wanted to write. Not because I think I am some superior, knowledgeable writer but because we were witnessing some of the worst government behavior that had ever taken place. When the government stole one trillion dollars' worth of taxpayer money and bailed out crooked bankers and banks, they were fully exposed. That level of theft was breathtaking. Things were going to get far worse. People generally don't care about politics unless they are old, retired, and have the time to watch what the hell is going on. I will be the first to admit this was true for me. When I was younger, say twenties and thirties, I was too busy taking care of my patchwork family- earning a living, paying for things, fixing wrecked knees and straightening teeth, and bearing all the costs associated with life in America. We grow up distracted. With 60 hour work weeks, who had time for politics? I didn't. That all c