
Showing posts from September 15, 2024

Lake Mead National Park Ranger Nails Scofflaw

 The story I'm about to tell you is absolutely true. I didn't think this kind of shit could happen in 2024. Not with body cams and allegedly- superior training. Now as many of you know, I spent 25 years in law enforcement. As a result of that vast error in judgement- I conducted somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 traffic stops and went to a few thousand calls. Conducting the verbal part of a traffic stop is relatively simple. You contact the driver, tell the driver the reason for the stop, listen to the response, and decide if it's something you need to write a ticket for. Good cops shoot for compliance first without a ticket. Anyone who told me the unvarnished truth on a traffic stop- never received a ticket. Somewhat rare but not unheard of. So those are my rules, unpublished for sure and not agreed upon by all. Those rules were clearly not communicated to the cop who stopped me on January 30, Officer Johnson. I am travelling south on a highway that goes along the we