The Abject Failure of the GOP
"Pay attention to what people have actually accomplished, pay far less attention to what they say they will do." By that standard alone, Barack Obama would never have been elected President. In fact, after having been advanced 100k on a book deal- Obama could not write the book nor make the deadlines that he had agreed on. Many knowledgeable people believe his books were "ghost written." I am one of them. The point is- is that Barack Obama had accomplished very little with his life. A community organizer. A teacher and a lawyer. Good lawyers lawyer, the rest teach. He was a superficial black guy that could speak well. He let a lot of desperate and scared bankers escape in return for their financial support. That dear friends- is why he is President. Has life turned into a beauty contest? It's hard to argue that it hasn't. Take a look at the candidates. The females are all attractive, some of the men. Substance? There is very little substance except for R...