Coupe De Grace
Like many Americans, I spent most of my life distracted. Busy making a living, busy with a wife and kids, spending what time I had on leisure activities. The last thing I thought about back then was politics or the housing crisis. That all began to change in 2007. By 2008, about the time Congress and Hank Paulson ripped our country off, government and politics became the focus of much of my life. It absolutely drew my attention. I came to believe that like me, most Americans were busy living their lives. Too tired and distracted with the trappings of everyday life. In fact, that apathy if you will, is precisely what has enabled our government to enslave us. If it doesn't have a painful and immediate impact, we simply don't notice. People call aberrations like the housing collapse a "black swan" event. Perhaps. It has had a painful and immediate impact. People finally began to notice. They became angry. Government and the corporate robber barons that we refer to as...