
Showing posts from April 8, 2012

You Love You...

Tell me it ain't so. Cops masturbating on duty and getting caught. Another great cop story here. Many years ago we busted a movie star in Moonbat Valley for drunk driving. We had her at the booking window and she is balling, mascara running, and all that shit. I was working with this very old, tough, salty cop who was liable to say anything at any given moment. So this gal, in some weepy ass voice asks, "Don't cops ever drive drunk?" My partner looked her right in the eye and said, "no." I looked at him, knowing full well that statement was bullshit. And thus he added, "and if we do, we don't get caught." "Like you."

President Obama Now At the Center of "Hummergate"

Obama is so masterful at creating jobs- he even does so in Colombia when he's on the road. Blow jobs. I am not kidding when I tell you this. Some moron commenter over at Huffington Post said that prostitution is legal in Colombia. Therefore he surmised, if the Secret Service agents did this while off duty- there was nothing wrong with it- legally. That level of unconsciousness is outstanding. Like the agents involved are going to give a fuck about whether prostitution is legal or not. Like smoking dope in Amsterdam. They just committed career suicide. Goodbye 6 figure job. Hello, pushing a patrol car in Poughkeepsie. Trust me, Obama will try to fly Hummergate under the radar with his media minions. More on pussy makes men crazy.

Road Rage, Very Funny, Extreme R Rating- Not For Moonbats or Lutherans

I watched this at least 5 times. God in heaven, behold one of your sons. We got a ways to go.

Funny Stuff On the Left, On the Right, But Not Here

I knew someone was going to click here. There's nothing here. Geezus, can't you follow directions?

Nork Dick Tater Fires Large Bottle Rocket, Scares Nothing Except Fish

Geezus. You really can't make this shit up. According to this story, the missile hit a yellow seal and singed his asshole. (first line) Well, not exactly. Here is what really happened. In this secret and exclusive footage I obtained- you can hear the excited voice of the Nork leader just after the launch. Near the end, Kim Jung runs out and is nearly hit by falling debris.

There's Clooney, Pitt, and Well...This Is What Happens When You Don't Eat Your Vegetables

Photo snapped a few miles west of Redwood City near Woodside, Ca. I'm thinking he rides one of those recumbent bikes.

A Manipulated Stock Market That Never Falls*Updated

Boy, I'd sure love to see Glass Steagall suddenly return. With all of the bankers and their counterfeit money out of the market, the Dow would drop at least 6000 points. Like zombie banks, we have a zombie stock market. So with today's big jobs miss, on top of the eternal upward revisions in unemployment from the predictable BLS each and every week, what happened? What great news is out? Nothing. Probably half of today's rally was short covering. The shorts, on the heels of a gigantic 5 day bear move, probably stuck a toe in the shallow end of the pool before the bankers threw a toaster in the deep end. The speculation of QE3 by two Fed members was what did it. That's all. Just some talk. The only thing keeping this market alive is the threat of more quantitative easing. You simply cannot short a market where on any given day- just the threat of QE3 and subsequent huge liquidity injections will cause the shorts to piss their pants and cover. That and it's an

Capturing the Agenda of Moonbats and Liberals

I stole this comment from Yahoo because I liked it. Of course he was being sarcastic- but it's hard to argue with anything he says. Why I vote Democrat..... I vote Democrat because I think it's better to pay billions of dollars to people who hate us rather than drill for our own oil (until we develop ALGAE as a fuel source), because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher. I vote Democrat because I believe it is okay if liberal judges rewrite the Constitution to suit some fringe kooks, who would otherwise never get their agenda past the voters. I vote Democrat because I believe that corporate America should not be allowed to make profits for themselves or their shareholders. They need to break even and give the rest to the federal government for redistribution. I vote Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted each year, so long as we make it easy for irresponsible couples to have sex, keep all of the people who

The Last Patriot

Write in Ron Paul this fall. If 100 million of us do that- the elite won't get their way. The FED won't continue. Crony capitalism will be crushed, the deficit will end. The mongrel party will lose. Or be a coward, vote for one of the two big parties, and get the same result that we always get. A whole bunch of suck.

Bush Creates Tax Cuts for the Crony Elite, Now Wishes His Name Wasn't Attached to Cuts

You simply can't make this shit up. Former President Bush wishing that his name wasn't attached to the tax cuts his administration gave to his wealthy and elite cronies- just a decade's worth. Of course every Republican will tell you that the rich create jobs. Unfortunately, that is pure bullshit. It's the same ridiculous bullshit that Obama and his administration spouted- while handing out a trillion dollars- allegedly for employers to create jobs. Consumers and demand create jobs. Without consumers, there is no demand. That's why Apple rocks. And that's why Solyndra, Fannie and Freddie, and GM don't.

If You Want To Say Nice Things About Castro, Ozzie Guillen, Find a Country That Believes in Free Speech

For chrissakes Ozzie, this is America.  If you want to say nice things about foreign dictators- you are going to have to find someplace that actually believes in free speech. Maybe England, Switzerland. Or France. Some place that doesn't get all butt hurt every time someone utters something. All speech in America is approved in advance by the central planners, statists, and moonbats. You should have asked them first- if you could say a nice thing or two about Castro. You are lucky you still have a job. Ozzie's horrific and offensive comments here.

Parlaying 16 College Credits Into Ten Milion Dollars a Year

That's an excellent return on investment. Brian Williams could fall into a toilet and come out with a trout. Williams says his greatest regret was not finishing college. I giggled when I read that. He should have just focused on completing a second semester, or maybe one year. So for Williams, the second place prize is a gig making 10 million a year. TV been "bery, bery" good...

Newsflash! Associated Press Discovering That ObamaCare Adds To Budget Deficit, Rather Than Reducing It

Wow. This level of unconsciousness is mind numbing. Are all liberal arts majors this stupid? Adding 40 million un-insured people with pent up health demands might actually swell the deficit rather than reduce it? But that's not what Obama and Pelosi said. The AP just now catching on. Hoping the Supreme Court and then the voters- throw out the baby and the bathwater.

"I Love To Drink and Gamble"

The first time I ever laid eyes on Butte, Montana... I fell in love. It was the summer of '68. I was nearly 8 years old. Butte is the coolest, most historic mining town in the western United States. It's like a giant museum. The architecture is fantastic, the brick walls of uptown Butte still have 120 year old ads painted on them. Moving to Butte as a child was like going to the big city. I was simply in awe. There were these strange "head frames" everywhere. Giant black and iron megaliths dotting the hillside. There were at least 50 of them. Head frames that lifted men, cages, and ore out of subterranean tunnels more than a mile deep. I think of them as "iron angels." They kind of haunt me still. The city streets were absolutely packed with cars and pedestrians, businesses flourished. Bars were filled shoulder to shoulder and seemingly around the clock. There were miners everywhere. Butte was the epitome of a mining camp in every way, shape, and fo

Rigging the Presidential Election

Never ask a question unless you already know the answer. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that President Obama was a bought and paid for banker shill. It's just a matter of tracking his associates and his money. That's how he went from obscurity to prominence. A puppet that would do the elite's bidding which in 2008- meant not prosecuting thousands of fraudulent bankers. That was the deal. Bankers bankrolled the two year political veteran and thus they managed to stay out of jail. It was that simple. This time around- the elite offering is a rich and like minded banker or an incumbent- who given his lame duck status- will surely destroy the United States because only a few of us are paying attention. I am convinced that President Obama is sick. Spiritually sick. Obama pretends to be a decent human being. He dresses up the kids, plays sports, tells jokes, and acts like a normal, well adjusted person. He's not. He's just as fraudulent as his

Hug An Atheist (An Easter Wish)

For the greater part of my 51 years, I have struggled with many things, but nothing so powerful as my very own ego. Ego is that part of me that forms opinions and beliefs. It is predisposed to practicing contempt prior to investigation. In the old days- once my ego formed an opinion, the issue was over. My ego you see, had issued it's ruling. My ego was never willing to re-examine an issue once it had been decided. Oh, how I used to struggle with the whole "God" concept. With faith. With your beliefs. With who created God. With Revelations. I wandered aimlessly until a couple of odd things happened. I recovered. I ceased fighting. I became conscious. I no longer rigorously defended a bunch of opinions and beliefs that hardly amounted to fact. Far from it. I let people believe anything they want to believe. That includes the Klingons and the Moonbats. Even the atheists. They have that right. They are on some journey that is solely their own. I don't know where t