Joe Biden Saves Democracy! -The Sunday Collage

On July 21, 2024, President Joe Biden offered up his re-election resignation on "X" formerly known as Twitter.

I guess that's what it was because the letter doesn't state his intent with any kind of precision.

It was an incredible letter. It wasn't on letterhead; it was just a few paragraphs of mumbo jumbo with the usual lies and other assorted nonsense one associates with Biden. It was purportedly signed by Biden with a signature I do not recognize.

Having read the letter a few times, it reminds me of some poorly written scrap someone might conjure up to play nice with Joe while recapping his presidential past. It avoids any details regarding anything of relevance or substance. It reminds me of one of those hastily written confession statements that police departments used to write up and tell a suspect to sign.

There is not one chance in hell that Biden authored this letter. Not one. It begs the questions. Who wrote this letter (while Joe was recovering from Covid in Rehoboth) and why was it suddenly presented via social media as though it was such an urgent message that it simply could not wait a few days and be delivered in some personal fashion like a television announcement? 

The letter that could not wait. 

So it was, I certainly had a few questions. I waited for the big reveal, scheduled for Wednesday evening, a mere 3 days ago as I write this.

I have to be honest. I can't stand to listen to Joe Biden. He is a fucking numbskull. When Joe Biden, grand criminal that he is, starts talking about values, character, honesty, and integrity- I think I throw up in my mouth a little bit. 

So I just had to bear down and put up with it. I knew it wouldn't be too long because Joe simply can't string together enough coherent thoughts and sentences by himself without reading them off a teleprompter. So that's what we got.

And about 3 minutes in- there it was! Joe was stepping aside to save our democracy. He was putting aside his personal ambitions. He was passing the torch to a new generation.

This is something Joe hadn't been able to do in 54 years. But suddenly he realized it was time to save democracy. 

So whoever pushed him out, like Obama, Clinton, and the democratic party (Joe refers to them as the party elites) had allowed him to run out the clock. Now bear in mind, he is the democratic party nominee. He registered as the incumbent and garnered 13 million votes. He was selected and Kamala Harris was not.

If you really wanted to endorse Kamala and pass the torch Joe- the simple, quick, and legal way would be to resign and let Kamala become President and run.

Now I do not know by what process, the democratic party uses to force one duly elected (by the people) nominee out and transfer all of the money and votes that nominee has obtained and deliver them to someone else the party selects. In fact, that might be the most undemocratic thing I have ever seen.

But that's what they do. Install a tinpot dictator. Then try to rig another election. The CIA has been doing it all over the world for decades.

I have listened to Joe's speech a few times. The best way to do it- is to watch and read the subtitles to get an idea of just how bad Biden is butchering everything on the teleprompter. He even quotes Benjamin Franklin on the last day of the constitutional convention in 1787. But he butchers that also.

Democracy has never needed saving. It has survived quite nicely in either a direct or representative form for centuries, sometimes devolving into mob rule democracy. Democracy doesn't need any help from Joe Biden or anyone else for that matter.

What needed saving this week was our republic. The only people that can do that now are in Congress. 

We have a duly elected nominee. Is it our fault that the media and democratic leadership lied and obscured the extent of Biden's senility? No. I listened to KJ Pierre, Biden's Press Secretary, tell me he was fine day after day. Does this mean that now that Biden's senility has been fully exposed, that a duly elected candidate's votes and money can simply be transferred to someone else? Also no.

The democratic party and the media lied to us. They should bear the responsibility for their lies. Biden should either step down or run against Trump. Instead, we will get 6 months' worth of lame duck edicts and even more damage from Biden and the democrats. If only the congressional GOP had a spine. 

It's like a never ending shitshow. I can't wait to see the pardon list.


Lol.. The pardon list, Hunter, and Joe.. I would just roll over on the floor laughing if a POTUS on the way out pardoned his puppy, and himself.. That being said, hang on, buckle up.. Because I think we're about to get shocked and awed.. I think something epic is about to go down..
MMinWA said…
Wild times eh?

No way I could've watched even the truncated version of the Harris interview but I did see a couple minutes in a highlighted! clip. Yokes. I note that Walz apparently was not only AWOL on his deployment but also on his grammar lessons.

So now I guess it's back to the slow rolling bus tour to eat up the clock. From staged event to staged event, anything but a one on one with some one asking real questions.

While DJT happily sits down with hostile pundits and eats them alive, this idiot needs to be force fed pablum. It’s why they want any debate sooner rather then later so the horror word salads can be memory holed by the MSM.

All those vacations Biden took aren’t looking so bad now are they? At least they kept most of his idiocy under wraps. If this goofball is frauded into the WH, the cringe she’ll bring down on us will be monumental.

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