On Cowards
I detest cowards- I always have. I have radar for cowards. Honestly, without getting too political today, I think that is why I have never liked Obama. He set off my coward alarm. He serves himself.
Nobody hates free speech like a coward. http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2012/10/facebook-censors-navy-seals-to-protect.html
I started writing publicly 6 years ago. During that time, I have written some very personal things and I have put many of them out here for public consumption. I didn't do that because I am stupid or because I didn't think about the consequences. I do that for reasons that cowards could never understand.
Because truth, your truth, has great value. This life is a giant classroom and you aren't going to learn anything until you start speaking the truth, demanding the truth, and start hearing the truth. Cowards cannot do that. They have absolutely no ability to self scrutinize or self disclose- and quite honestly and consequentially- they have nothing to offer the rest of us. I have never learned anything from a coward except that- I don't want to be like one of them.
I get angry when someone is spilling their guts, trying to express a pain riddled truth about themselves, only to be trampled by a bunch of anonymous cowards in the comment section. In the old days, that type of attack would have generated a missile launch from me.
Nowadays, I just don't care so much for cowards. I give them no play.
Cowards always rationalize their inability to speak truthfully as something else entirely. They will call it restraint, good judgement, discipline. Cowards hate courage. They don't possess it and therefore they don't understand it. Cowards think people with courage are idiots. Gunslingers. They'll say things like..."you should think things through before you open your mouth." Of course they say that. That's why they are cowards.
The problem with our society is that it continually rewards obedient cowards and punishes the courageous. Is that so? Without a doubt it is. People in power fear people who challenge them- they eliminate them. Cowards are far easier to manipulate and control. Long ago, somebody planted fear in these folks and poured miracle-gro on it. Cowards are obedient, compliant. They become controlling types- continually advocating some safe strategy, worrying about shit that never happens, and dreaming up new things to be afraid of. Cowards never have your interests at heart. Only theirs. Therefore, you can safely dismiss cowards with the confidence that you have missed nothing of value. Unfortunately, there will be more of them. There always is.
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, But by those who watch them without doing anything.
~Albert Einstein~
Nobody hates free speech like a coward. http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2012/10/facebook-censors-navy-seals-to-protect.html
I started writing publicly 6 years ago. During that time, I have written some very personal things and I have put many of them out here for public consumption. I didn't do that because I am stupid or because I didn't think about the consequences. I do that for reasons that cowards could never understand.
Because truth, your truth, has great value. This life is a giant classroom and you aren't going to learn anything until you start speaking the truth, demanding the truth, and start hearing the truth. Cowards cannot do that. They have absolutely no ability to self scrutinize or self disclose- and quite honestly and consequentially- they have nothing to offer the rest of us. I have never learned anything from a coward except that- I don't want to be like one of them.
I get angry when someone is spilling their guts, trying to express a pain riddled truth about themselves, only to be trampled by a bunch of anonymous cowards in the comment section. In the old days, that type of attack would have generated a missile launch from me.
Nowadays, I just don't care so much for cowards. I give them no play.
Cowards always rationalize their inability to speak truthfully as something else entirely. They will call it restraint, good judgement, discipline. Cowards hate courage. They don't possess it and therefore they don't understand it. Cowards think people with courage are idiots. Gunslingers. They'll say things like..."you should think things through before you open your mouth." Of course they say that. That's why they are cowards.
The problem with our society is that it continually rewards obedient cowards and punishes the courageous. Is that so? Without a doubt it is. People in power fear people who challenge them- they eliminate them. Cowards are far easier to manipulate and control. Long ago, somebody planted fear in these folks and poured miracle-gro on it. Cowards are obedient, compliant. They become controlling types- continually advocating some safe strategy, worrying about shit that never happens, and dreaming up new things to be afraid of. Cowards never have your interests at heart. Only theirs. Therefore, you can safely dismiss cowards with the confidence that you have missed nothing of value. Unfortunately, there will be more of them. There always is.
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, But by those who watch them without doing anything.
~Albert Einstein~