Now Even Math Challenged Liberal Media Types Calling BS On Obama Budget
In 2008, you would have thought Obama walked on water.
In 2012, even his liberal media supporters realize he is full of shit. Proof here:
Read the following 26 trillion debt figure and weep. That is the projection. Absolutely no attempt to stop spending. On the current trajectory- the debt will be more like 33 trillion. At 3 percent interest rates- our interest alone will be 1 trillion a year or 3 billion a day.
In 2012, even his liberal media supporters realize he is full of shit. Proof here:
Read the following 26 trillion debt figure and weep. That is the projection. Absolutely no attempt to stop spending. On the current trajectory- the debt will be more like 33 trillion. At 3 percent interest rates- our interest alone will be 1 trillion a year or 3 billion a day.
The budget shows a gross debt of $25.9 trillion by the end of the 10-year budget window in FY2022. Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget committee, called this "a recipe for a debt crisis and the decline of America."
"The broken promises and recycled gimmicks contained in this budget have dramatically widened this president's growing credibility deficit," Ryan said. "Our families, seniors, children and grandchildren deserve better than this reckless budget and this dismal failure of leadership."
Well, that may be, but 53% of the voters fell for Obama in 2008 and I'm betting 51% will do it again in 2012. America as we knew it is doomed.