
Showing posts from 2012

The Land of Unintended Consequences- The Sunday Collage

“Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends.”   ―   Isabel Paterson ,   The God of the Machine No quote captures the essence of progressives/liberals better than that one. That of course, is my blog's subtitle.   After my liberal college indoctrination... It took me a full 28 years to regain consciousness.  Life is all about choices and it is most certainly relative. This is not an opinion. In a society that wants what they want  right now , it seems we are always after the quick fix. The problem with that mentality of course, is that sometimes our solution creates a far bigger problem for us down the road. That is where we find ourselves today. In the land of unintended consequences. We have become undisciplined. As we seek out the quick fix for everything, say a boob job for our self estee

Give Government An Excuse...


Where Your Name Is Not Important

An interesting note today. Sympathy cards not solicited or accepted. Maybe something will catch your eye... I suppose we have to call people something to get their attention. So we all get some sort of name when we are born. My friend, named Jack, died yesterday. I caught him in the wrinkled, gray stage of his life. I had only known him a little more than three years. It is a fascinating thing that I could know so much about a man and yet, not even know his last name. Your surname isn't important in alcoholics anonymous. I hate the term alcoholic. Maybe it has too many negative connotations. Maybe that's why the liberals are forever changing labels and policing speech. I think I understand. I am just getting "old beyond vanity" and I don't really give a shit anymore. So I played nice with the existing terminology rather than try to change the world to suit my views. I just didn't want to drink any more and I figured those cats knew how to do that. They

Django Movie Review

Wow. Have you ever paid 10 bucks to see a movie and been forced to watch advertisements, commercials, and coming attractions for 40 minutes? Forty minutes. That's how long we were taken hostage at the Edwards Cinema in Boise before Django started. I was pissed. Just as the movie started my little sister started whooping and hollering in a moment of anarchy. I was very proud of her. I chimed in as well. Some others joined us. I like Quentin Tarantino movies. I still  think Pulp Fiction was his best movie but Django isn't too bad. I loved the first couple of scenes in this movie. In fact, I liked most of the movie. It was the last 20 minutes of Django I am still trying to sort out. I don't mind bloody violence. I don't mind the casual way this movie deals with killing people... mostly because the people who die are the types of people we secretly want to kill. But the last few scenes in this movie were a little too much in the sense that I am not sure they were re

Christmas Buyers Didn't Show Up

Our family agreed to forego Christmas shopping this year. It's stressful, it's a hassle, and Chirstmas is for kids. None of us have kids. So I liked the idea. Up until one member of the family caved in. Then of course we all caved in. But mostly we gave retailers the middle finger. Christmas sales are less than 4% of our nation GDP- yet to hear economists talk about it- our entire economic future hangs in the balance. Of course this is bullshit and as I shopped this year- I could tell that there were far less shoppers at the mall. The Boise mall is a ginormous draw- not just in Boise- but within a 200 mile radius. I didn't see the kind of traffic that I did pre 2008 or even last year. I also believe people have less disposable cash and that savings are falling in sync with buying power. The problem with the business class and government is that they have pillaged the village. Paying sweatshop wages and then expecting double digit sales increases while counterfeiting

A Wirecutter Christmas Wish

Pure gold. More gold here:   I can't stop laughing. Kenny is one class act. 25 December 2012 Merry Christmas, Fuckers!!! From me and mine to you and yours.

Boise St v. Washington Huskies*Updated

Recently, some men's magazine named Boise the number one city in America for men. I'm not sure about that- but our football fans here are rabid. I cannot believe that on a recent trip to Reno I forgot to bet Washington. For those of you who follow football closely as I do- Boise St opened up as 7.5 point favorites and promptly got bet down to 5. That's a huge move and it is exactly what I would have done. Boise St has a good team but this is not the team of years gone by. This team has no offense. They lost at home to San Diego State. Washington on the other hand beat some seriously good and highly ranked opponents. Off the top of my head, that was Oregon St. and Stanford. They threw one serious clunker with Washington St. They did beat San Diego St....which is the team that invaded the blue turf and won. Take Washington plus 5. Worth a small money line bet too. * Washington covered the spread in a two point loss.

The Inside Report on Silver, FG Style

I was in absolute awe this week as I watched silver prices plummet. There might have been a couple of reasons for that. Legitimate reasons. A problem a lot of us are experiencing is becoming quite obvious- that this Frankenstein Government of ours is going to tax the shit out of everyone next year. Anyone with a sharp pencil knows that the rich can't bail us out. Not even close. That ship left the harbor circa 2008. So people are selling gold and silver- taking profits in a lower tax environment. I get that. Taxes are going up and industrial demand is going down because the world's economies must contract. Economies always contract as governments confiscate the wealth of their citizens. And there are two other problems. I will leave out the inflation caused by central banks and counterfeiting. The FED manufactured bull market cycle in stocks is over. Earnings are beginning to deteriorate. People are going to have to start buying Obamacare. Remember, the Supreme Court rule

I Was Briefly Worried About Gun Control Until...

...Obama dished the job off to Joe Biden. That's when I knew this was just political bullshit. Tear in his eye, very nice special effects. About 52% of the voting public falls for that shit. If you believe passionately in something- you will find the time to make it a priority. If you don't believe passionately in something- you will behave like Obama does- talk some smack and dish the project off. Pretend to care. If you have to, you can blame Joe later. In the meantime, if you want to read the very best piece of anti gun control and solution based writing on the web- an expert opinion as opposed to all of those blathering idiots running their mouths... I recommend this. Get a cup of coffee, it takes a few mins. In life, people make time for the things that matter to them. It is always tr

The Day Ain't Over With Yet

I can't tell you the level of disappointment I felt today when I woke up. I have been looking forward to this day and the end of times for many years. Not only did the earth appear to remain intact, but as I looked around- the idiots that surround the FG compound seemed to also be acting normal. I opened my Apple portal hoping that others were being killed by the millions or being hurtled into space. No such luck. It was the same old, same old. I gotta tell ya...these Mayans are pissing me off. People were still writing shit on Huffington Post. CNN blamed Bush for the fiscal cliff dilemma- Ace of Spades contributor Gabriel Malor blamed the "fringe" elements of the GOP for failing to vote (eating gumbo) and ruining Boehner's "Plan B" vote last night in the House- like any of that is going to change  the mess that we are in. Speaking of Plan B... This is my all time fav clip on Plan B. Dave has it posted over at the Golden Truth. I click on it every da

Congress Filled to Capacity With Psychopaths, Now Allowing...

the indefinite detention of Americans without trial under the NDAA act. Forget due process and all of those Constitutional guarantees and the bill of rights. Get your passports NOW. I just had to clip this comment from the blog. My sentiments exactly. new   alien-IQ Vote up! 6 Vote down! 0 No nation gets the government they want. Every nation gets the government they deserve. All we are seeing here is what has been long predicted and proven to be fact: What we allow or government to do abroad, we invite them to do at home. Everyone's morals are defined by what we allow to happen to others. Americans remained silent when the US implemented this policy abroad, now they must take it in the ass at home because they were complicit by virtue of their lack of opposition to government policy. Saying nothing is as political an act as

Adam Lanza, Time's Man of the Year

This is so wrong on so many levels- that I just have to post it. I have always loved Brian's wit and writing, even when it is sinister. Oh well. We all pick sides. Some of the finest smart assery you will ever read. Right here.  

If I Never Hear the Term "Fiscal Cliff" Again...

...ever, it will be too soon. The latest installment of idiocy is taking place today and tomorrow. Then the idiots are going home for the holidays. Let me explain something quite simply. There is no such thing as a "fiscal cliff." For most of us, this is commonly referred to as "paying your bills." The problem for us hoi polloi is that we have "credit limits" meaning that once we have borrowed all the money that we can borrow...we are done borrowing. At that point, "paying the bill" becomes mandatory. At least that has been the custom. The problem with the idiots or non- hoi polloi, is that they have an unlimited credit line which they have over spent so spectacularly- that it can never be repaid. Never. There is no such thing as a "credit limit" and now it is "paying the bill" time for them. The game simply continues until the truth becomes so evident that not even the BIGGEST idiot on the planet- say Krugman- can deny

Adam Lanza Took Fanapt, Left Coast Psychologist Weighs In

An anti psychotic that can sometimes cause violent behavior. That's Fanapt. In a follow up to my piece, the "Warlords Keep Winning"  here then is big pharma's drug and the original story. This link calls Asperger's Syndrome as a cause of violent behavior,  a "red herring." One last clip, from the above link. "There really is no clear association between Asperger's and violent behavior," psychologist Elizabeth Laugeson, an assistant clinical professor at the University of California, Los Angeles,  told the Associated Press . This is what we have for psychologists. There isn't a clear link between alcohol and violent behavior either. I mean, I have seen people drink and just pass out. Or get pissed off and shoot up the bar. People with al

This Is Our Promising Future

From a reader. Worth passing along. Once while fishing, I threatened a young man while he was texting and I promised to throw his Iphone into the lake. Unlike most people, he knew that I would. The phone was put away...chop, chop.

When God Needs a Hit Man, He Calls America*Updated

Patriot or nationalist. Take a stand for what's right or pollyanna up. These are the choices we make when we decide what kind of people we are going to be. I was moved by President Obama tonight. Not only was he able to hijack another tragedy to steal some limelight ala the Osama Bin Laden murder- but in Newtown, Obama declared that, "We can't tolerate this anymore." Now for those of you confused by my Osama Bin Laden reference- let me make this perfectly clear. We murdered Bin Laden. We broke into his house and killed him in cold blood. There was no trial, no due process. Hell we even had to trespass across a border or two. Please don't get me wrong, all of that's fine. Bin Laden probably deserved murdering. In fact if anyone deserved murdering, Bin Laden certainly flowed to the front of that line. Besides, this is war. People get killed in war. We are always k

The Warlords Keep Winning- The Sunday Collage

I wish that I could tell you that I entered law enforcement because I loved my fellow man and I wanted to make the world a better place. But that would be untruthful. My reasons were far more shallow than that. I thought law enforcement would be fun. I wanted to be entertained. I'm not sure it was any more complicated than that. Eventually, that superficial thought process would fade away. About six weeks ago, I read this story about a woman who stabbed and killed her 7 year old son, a 5 year old girl she was babysitting, and the two family dogs. She made the children pray before she stabbed them to death. What are the chances that this woman is insane? Better than average. I landed on schizophrenia for her. When you are prescribed medication for mental health issues- the translation is that we don't have any way of fixing you- so society's answer is that we will ju

Who Kills 5-10 Year Old Children? This Guy Does*Updated

*I am not surprised that CNN initially reported that Ryan Lanza, rather than his younger brother Adam Lanza, is the deceased shooter in Newtown, Conn. News agencies are reporting that cops got the two names mixed up. The latest info is that Adam Lanza was carrying his brother's ID when he shot and killed himself. In some odd way- that all makes sense to me. MSM now stating Adam Lanza is the deceased suspect. Cops are questioning brother Ryan. Back in the old days, I often speculated on why "would be" killers never showed up at the police station. It was simple. We have guns and we will use them. A guy even tried walking into a Detroit Police Station a few years later to shoot a few cops and test that theory. He is no longer with us. So the cowards, guys like Adam Lanza, focus all of that pent up hostilit

Apple Has Jumped the Shark

When I was a kid, I watched Happy Days religiously. Until I grew up that is. A few years ago, people started using the phrase, "jumping the shark." In the last episodes of Happy Days- the writers were apparently running out of material to write about. So they came up with this ridiculous idea of having the Fonz water ski off of a ramp and over an enclosed shark pen. Jumping the shark has thus become cliche for something that obviously- should have already ended.   This morning I was reading another blogger who was extolling the virtues of Steve Jobs. Jobs was a great industrialist- but he surely was no patriot. There are 43,000 Californians paying taxes thanks to Apple. Big deal. There are four times that or 180, 000 Chinese employees making a little over a dollar an hour and get this... Foxconn, the Apple subcontractor, has agreed to only work employees only 60 hours a week. Fucking humanitarians, those Chinese.

All Great Men of Faith Have Courage

This is not one of them.