Was It Worth the Trouble, Mr. Trump?

 Several years ago, as Ann Coulter (2016) was being laughed at for predicting the Trump presidential win, I was reading a piece about why working-class America was supporting a billionaire. It was a nasty piece, a hit job, explaining that poor, working class Americans were a bunch of dupes enamored by wealth and fame. Deplorables, according to Hillary.

It was also total bullshit. 

Over the years after Hillary Clinton, perhaps one of the most highly effective criminals in America lost her bid to become President, I came to understand the widespread appeal of Donald Trump.

It wasn't polished bullshit, it wasn't party support, experience, or a career of broken political promises. It was something else entirely. Something that I treasured. 

To be sure, I was not a Trump supporter back then. I am a strict adherent to George Carlin's political views in that we keep electing these rich assholes and nothing changes. So I skipped the voting process in 2016 for that reason and also that I lived in Idaho. We all knew who the winner was going to be anyway.

The truth is, I don't watch television much and I didn't know diddly squat about who Donald Trump was. But I must admit, watching these liberal clowns spew their fear and hatred everywhere, Trump started to pick up traction for me. So it was, that I watched President Trump very closely throughout those 4 years.

I came to realize who he was and what he was and I began to actually like this guy. 

First and foremost, Trump represented a big "fuck you" to the last 20 year's worth of Presidents who sold us out to China, Mexico, bankers, insurers, and war mongers. 

Trump is authentic. He says things which are not veiled in hypocrisy or convenient lies. Some of it can be deliberate, derogatory observations he has made of situations and people. I would call that his truth. He calls shit exactly the way he sees it. It makes liberal heads explode.

His war with the media was epic. Still is. Filled with liberal pansies, Trump called them out at every turn.

We knew he would not need to take campaign bribes like Obama did and therefore, there would be no political payback like the thousands of fraud committing bankers that Obama let off the hook.

Or Obamacare. The great health insurance bailout that screwed many of us and took away our right to determine our own healthcare and who could provide it.

Trump represented the American dream. The dream of his father and his own dream. That if you work hard and long, you can achieve whatever you want in America. 

But the two things I admire most about Trump are things that are simply not possessed by most people. They both involve tremendous personal courage gone missing today.

The first is his ability to just tell people the way that it is. The way that he sees things. He doesn't give two shits for your feelings. He has a goal in mind, he wants to achieve it, and you better get on board with it or get gone. Telling people they are useless, when in fact they are useless, is something to behold. Whether it's a career bureaucrat like Anthony Fauci, or a lying and deceptive William Barr, calling these people what they are- is something every one of us wishes we could do. Here in minion world most of us lack the personal courage to do that and we certainly fear the downstream destruction of our resumes'. But we admire it. 

The last item and probably the most important character trait Donald possesses is resiliency. This guy is like the terminator. He just keeps coming. You cannot knock him down and keep him down.  Impeached twice over nonsense, charged with 71 make believe felonies, and Trump just mows through it all. Wasting millions on his defense for acts that should have been covered and seen within the scope of his duties- he not only perseveres but he makes a mockery of the lawyers, prosecutors, and politicians who hate him.

With all the shit Trump has gone through including the stolen re-election bid with 51 government "experts" claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation, spying on his campaign, make believe Russian dossiers, search warrants, 30 year old allegations with not one piece of physical proof, and court room after court room- he reminds me of a scene in the mountain man movie, "Jeremiah Johnson." After dozens of Crow Indians attack and try to kill Johnson and get killed themselves, Johnson is greeted by another mountain man, Chris Lapp, who happened upon Johnson in the beginning of the film. Lapp looks at Johnson years later and asks, "was it worth the trouble?" 

Johnson lifts his chin and says, "eh, what trouble?" 


Bill589 said…
Yep. I did not like DJT, and I still disagree with some of his policies.
But he has all of the right enemies. Everyone of the elite who appear to hate DJT, also appear to hate our Constitutional Republic. So I support him.
MMinWA said…
What policies do you disagree with? Sounds like more useless bullshit? So pray tell, what did he do that didn't work?
George W. Bush (2001-2009) $5.85 trillion
Barack Obama 2009-2017 $8.6 trillion
Donald Trump 2017-2021 $8.18 trillion
Joe Biden 2021 - 2025 approaching $7.902 trillion

What is a dollar?

Prompt: A dollar used to be a measurement of weight, how much was it in ounces or grams?
AI: Historically, the term “dollar” was indeed used as a unit of weight, particularly in the context of silver. The Spanish dollar, also known as the “piece of eight,” was a silver coin that weighed approximately 27.47 grams or 0.96 ounces.
This coin was widely used in international trade and influenced the development of various currencies, including the U.S. dollar.
Prompt: Since those days, how much would a "dollar" of silver be worth today in US fiat?
AI: Given that a historical “dollar” of silver weighed approximately 27.47 grams, we can calculate its current value based on today’s silver price.
As of now, the price of silver is around $0.99 per gram1. Therefore, a “dollar” of silver (27.47 grams) would be worth approximately:
27.47 grams × 0.99 USD/gram ≈ 27.20 USD
So, a historical “dollar” of silver would be worth about $27.20 in today’s U.S. fiat currency.
Would you like to know more about how debasement affects the economy or specific examples of its impact?
Prompt: Yes please.
AI: Sure! Dollar debasement can have several significant effects on the economy:
1. Inflation
When the money supply increases, it often leads to inflation. This means that the purchasing power of the dollar decreases, and prices for goods and services rise. For example, during periods of high inflation, everyday items like groceries and fuel become more expensive.
2. Reduced Savings Value
As the dollar loses value, the real value of savings diminishes. This can be particularly challenging for people on fixed incomes or those who have saved money over a long period. Their savings will buy less than they did before.
3. Increased Debt Burden
For borrowers, debasement can be beneficial because the real value of their debt decreases. However, for lenders, the value of the money they are repaid is less than the value of the money they lent out.
4. Impact on Investments
Investors may seek to protect their wealth by moving their investments into assets that are less likely to lose value, such as real estate, commodities like gold and silver, or foreign currencies. This can lead to increased volatility in financial markets.
5. Trade Imbalances
A weaker dollar can make U.S. exports cheaper and more competitive abroad, potentially boosting the export sector. However, it also makes imports more expensive, which can lead to trade imbalances and higher costs for consumers and businesses that rely on imported goods.

6. Global Economic Impact
Since the U.S. dollar is a major reserve currency, its debasement can have global repercussions. Countries holding large reserves of U.S. dollars may see the value of their reserves decrease, leading to shifts in global economic power and stability.
7. De-dollarization
In response to dollar debasement, some countries may seek to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar for international trade and reserves. This process, known as de-dollarization, can lead to a more diversified global monetary system but also introduces new complexities and risks.
Would you like to dive deeper into any of these points or explore related topics?
Prompt: Sure, like what are the implications of the dollar not being used to purchase oil anymore?
AI: If the U.S. dollar were no longer used to purchase oil, it could have significant implications for the global economy and the U.S. itself. Here are some key points to consider:
1. Reduced Demand for U.S. Dollars
Currently, oil is predominantly traded in U.S. dollars, a system known as the “petrodollar” system1. If major oil producers start accepting other currencies, the global demand for U.S. dollars would decrease. This could lead to a depreciation of the dollar’s value.
2. Impact on U.S. Inflation
A weaker dollar could lead to higher import prices, contributing to inflation in the U.S. This would make everyday goods more expensive for American consumers.
3. Changes in Global Trade Dynamics
Countries that previously needed to hold large reserves of U.S. dollars to purchase oil might diversify their reserves into other currencies. This could shift economic power and influence towards other major currencies like the euro or the Chinese yuan.
4. Geopolitical Shifts
The dominance of the U.S. dollar in global oil trade has been a significant factor in U.S. geopolitical influence. A move away from the dollar could reduce U.S. leverage in international affairs and increase the influence of other major economies.
5. Financial Market Volatility
The transition away from the dollar in oil trading could lead to increased volatility in financial markets as investors adjust their portfolios to account for the changing dynamics.
6. Impact on U.S. Debt
The U.S. has benefited from the demand for dollars, which has helped finance its large budget deficits at relatively low interest rates. Reduced demand for dollars could lead to higher borrowing costs for the U.S. government.
7. Diversification of Oil Pricing
Oil prices might start being quoted in multiple currencies, leading to a more fragmented and potentially less stable pricing system. This could complicate global trade and investment strategies.
These changes are not just theoretical; there are already signs of shifts in how global oil trading is conducted, with some countries exploring alternatives to the U.S. dollar.
Would you like to explore any of these points in more detail or discuss another topic?
Prompt: Hey, so uh, aren't the Saudi's no longer requiring US dollars to buy oil anymore?
AI: Yes, Saudi Arabia has been moving towards accepting other currencies for oil trade, particularly the Chinese yuan. This shift is part of a broader trend of de-dollarization, where countries seek to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar for international trade.
For instance, Saudi Arabia has been in talks with China to settle oil transactions in yuan instead of dollars. This move is significant because it challenges the long-standing “petrodollar” system, where oil has traditionally been traded exclusively in U.S. dollars.
This shift could have far-reaching implications for the global economy, including reduced demand for U.S. dollars, potential inflationary pressures in the U.S., and increased economic influence for China.

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