It's Showtime Bitches!!- The Sunday Collage

 Today, they convicted Former President Trump today on 34 counts of make believe bullshit fabricated from a 17 year old tryst with a porn star. 

At it's very worst, Donald Trump may have gotten a piece of ass on the side. He may have used campaign funds to give Ms. Daniels 130,000 to shut up about it. He may have (gasp) lied.

Let's conjure up some perspective.

Of all the whores in the Whitehouse, JFK was probably the worst. Kennedy was a well documented sex addict. The "Stormy" of his day was a film star named Marilyn Monroe. Men (and women) have been screwing around on their spouses since time began. Millions upon millions and probably billions. Clinton paid Paula Jones 7 times what Daniels received. Where was the big witch trial then?

So men like to get laid. Unscrupulous women provide vaginas. There is nothing proprietary there. No news flash. 

The US government spends 100's of billions of dollars a year on welfare, wars, shitty student and housing loans, bond interest. They waste TRILLIONS every year apparently without any laws or governance. They create inflation by issuing covid relief bills and other horse shit spending bills. Inflation is costing me 600 a month since 2021. Am I supposed to be all pissed off because one man, may or may not have, given some porn star 130k to shut the fuck up? Money that undoubtedly went untaxed.

Oh yes, 130,000 wasted on TV ads is a much better expenditure than hush money. Either way the 130k is wasted. Money is always wasted on something. Bad investments, booze, drugs, women, art, shitty cars, and RVs. That's what it's for.

So yeah, I don't care.

The real culprit isn't Donald Trump. 

The real villain in our story is a runaway government that is killing the American way of life. We have lost our manufacturing base to a lobbyist-based Congress that sold us the fuck out in 2000. Our healthcare system, bad as it was, was made infinitely worse when Obama stole the system with some horrible bill nobody read, bailing out insurers and his campaign donor buddies. The Supreme Court then stuck us with that new tax. Our crooked federal agencies. The CIA, the FBI, the FED, and the BLS.

Then our government installs a real live criminal, Joe Biden, who sets about the task of fucking over the working class while issuing 9 trillion in covid relief which has largely gone missing and caused the greatest inflation in 50 years. Enriching the already rich American aristocracy who receive the money first and invest it into bloated markets and real estate. After taking bribes in the millions from China, Russia, and the Ukraine- Biden has paid the Ukraine off for those bribes- nearly 200 billion worth of war funds. Remember the laptop and the 51 "experts" who claimed it was Russian disinformation to help rig the election for Biden? Did they get prosecuted? Then we have the great covid cover up, which nearly cost me my life, 9 days on the ventilator and 175,000 in hospital bills. The disease our government helped create which our government then covered up with the help of that Fauci fuck. Two year's worth of assholes telling us how to live, vaccines that kill, crooked drug companies and the FDA that cover up vaccine injuries, and masks that did not work. All those fucking lies.

But you want Americans to be upset, to actually care whether Trump banged some broad 17 years ago or maybe lied about some wasted campaign funds??

You gotta be kidding me. 

I am sick of the lies, the inability to balance a budget, and the leftist propaganda on everything from continual cover-ups to climate change, to gender and race baiting. I am tired of the nonstop taxes and runaway inflation. I am tired of getting yelled at by an old criminal fool shuffling about on a stage somewhere in front of 5 or 6 people. I am tired of rigged elections, congressmen becoming millionaires overnight, and assholes telling me I am an idiot for thinking something is wrong. The American judiciary provides shelter for the aristocracy and federal over reach- we the people, not so much. Unless you can write a six figure check- you aren't gonna rate a glance. Due process my ass. If they can take out Trump- they can certainly squash a bug like you or me.

Trump isn't the end. This is just the beginning of something far worse.


the maga lantern said…
Right on, Major.

We're in for some rough sailing in uncharted waters.
Lindel Easley said…
Totally agree, Major. We need to be ready for the incoming shit storm.
NinaG said…
Ya took the words right out of my mouth! Thanks for articulating what I’m too angry to formulate right now.
Anonymous said…
Hi an overseas observer here.
Well my take is, that in the case of a Trump win in 2024.
The left will unleash a firestorm of hell, aided by the Antifa, pro Palestinians ,the alphabet soup crazies.
The whole of the Biden mafia needs to pay for it's crimes and their bank accounts emptied.
The American people don't deserve any more of this village idiots (Biden) regressions.
My country is turning into a commie state.
Concerned human.
Anonymous said…
Just found your excellent blog...I agree with a lot of your statements, and I am a proud President Trump supporter. I have watched about 90% of the RNC and have been encouraged by the Common Sense and patriotism that has been shown and exhibited. The 98-year-old D-Day veteran had me in tears, as did the Gold Star Family members who "testified" about their murdered family members who were "collateral damage" during the Afghanistan debacle when Biden turned coward and ran leaving millions of dollars of taxpayer purchased military equipment behind. Keep up the good work!

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