The "Chickenshit" Leader of the Free World
Oh how I wished I would have written this. The true essence of our President. From Bill Whittle. Copied in it's entirety here. -Brian
If you'd rather watch than read, here's this:
He’s the Leader of the Free World, elected by a civilized nation: militarily powerful because of, and not in spite of, it’s cultural commitment to science and art and medicine.
Although he spent much of his early life overseas, the Leader of the Free World grew up in the Northeast, and graduated from Harvard University. That he has a deep and abiding love for America is self-evident: he admires our energy, our inventiveness; our decency and kindness; our innate friendliness and charity. He loves our culture; he admires our private sector which generates so much innovation. And the Leader of the Free World admires and respects our vast military power, and the restraint which it is used – to him, it is indeed the Arsenal of Democracy.
And even though he has grown up the victim of bigotry and hatred, the Leader of the Free World loves America, even though slurs are applied to him still today. In spite of all that, he loves everything she stands for.
And there he stood, backed by American flags and framed in American glory – on the floor of the House of Representatives; where his predecessors made the case to fight against the great evils in the world: slavery. Nazism. Japanese Imperialism. Communism.
There he stood: The Leader of the Free World; a thoughtful, serious man making a thoughtful, serious case to the World’s Greatest deliberative body. The Leader of the Free World spoke frankly of the need to confront today, as we have confronted in the past, this latest threat to freedom, and science, and medicine, and art, and the basic human rights not only of women, and homosexuals but of everyone to live their own lives as they saw fit. He spoke against the clear and present danger posed by Islamic savages, motivated by religious hatred, implacable in their desire to see the world burn – and especially about the threat posed by the stat of Iran, which is working feverishly, night and day, so see those fires burn not at hundred but rather at thousands of degrees.
The President of the United States declined to attend this speech by the Leader of the Free World, because the President of the United States has called the Leader of the Free World “chickensh**.”
One of them is, anyway. Which one, I wonder?
You know, the internet has a wisdom all its own. Taking a snapshot of both these men in their youth, someone wrote:
Obama smoked Ganja; Netanyahu smoked terrorists.
Just a casual read of Dreams From My Father – and how it was written – show the President of the United States to have been a lazy, boastful, vain, disrespectful, sullen, pot-smoking narcissist who played basketball at the most exclusive private school in Hawaii, got high kicking back on the beach, and repeatedly blew off his book deadline after having spent the huge advance money. His brother, Mark Obama Neh-Des-AND-jo, lived in obscurity and utter poverty in Kenya, utterly ignored and unaided by his brother, The President of the United States of America.
Bibi Netanyahu was described by his teachers as courteous, polite, helpful, responsible, punctual, friendly, disciplined, cheerful, brave, active and obedient. After growing up in Pennsylvania, The Leader of the Free World returned to Israel, joined the IDF as a Special Forces commando, was part of the team that rescued the hostages aboard Sabena flight 571 – during which he was shot in the shoulder – then went back and fought along the Suez Canal in the Yom Kippur war before returning to America to get his degrees from both Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. HIS brother, Yonatan Netanyahu, was the only Israeli commando killed during the rescue of 100 Israeli hostages in the Raid on Entebbe on July 4th, 1976.
THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD – you know, the chickensh** one -- rescues his people when they are held hostage – PERSONALLY rescues them – and stands arm in arm with world leaders against the endless, savage, Islamic murders of Jews and all civilized people.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES goes golfing while hostages are being murdered – PERSONALLY goes golfing – and will not so much say the words “Islamic Terrorists” or “Jews” as our time for chickensh** posturing and preening runs out as fast as the nuclear centrifuges spinning in Iran.
If you'd rather watch than read, here's this:
He’s the Leader of the Free World, elected by a civilized nation: militarily powerful because of, and not in spite of, it’s cultural commitment to science and art and medicine.
Although he spent much of his early life overseas, the Leader of the Free World grew up in the Northeast, and graduated from Harvard University. That he has a deep and abiding love for America is self-evident: he admires our energy, our inventiveness; our decency and kindness; our innate friendliness and charity. He loves our culture; he admires our private sector which generates so much innovation. And the Leader of the Free World admires and respects our vast military power, and the restraint which it is used – to him, it is indeed the Arsenal of Democracy.
And even though he has grown up the victim of bigotry and hatred, the Leader of the Free World loves America, even though slurs are applied to him still today. In spite of all that, he loves everything she stands for.
And there he stood, backed by American flags and framed in American glory – on the floor of the House of Representatives; where his predecessors made the case to fight against the great evils in the world: slavery. Nazism. Japanese Imperialism. Communism.
There he stood: The Leader of the Free World; a thoughtful, serious man making a thoughtful, serious case to the World’s Greatest deliberative body. The Leader of the Free World spoke frankly of the need to confront today, as we have confronted in the past, this latest threat to freedom, and science, and medicine, and art, and the basic human rights not only of women, and homosexuals but of everyone to live their own lives as they saw fit. He spoke against the clear and present danger posed by Islamic savages, motivated by religious hatred, implacable in their desire to see the world burn – and especially about the threat posed by the stat of Iran, which is working feverishly, night and day, so see those fires burn not at hundred but rather at thousands of degrees.
The President of the United States declined to attend this speech by the Leader of the Free World, because the President of the United States has called the Leader of the Free World “chickensh**.”
One of them is, anyway. Which one, I wonder?
You know, the internet has a wisdom all its own. Taking a snapshot of both these men in their youth, someone wrote:
Obama smoked Ganja; Netanyahu smoked terrorists.
Just a casual read of Dreams From My Father – and how it was written – show the President of the United States to have been a lazy, boastful, vain, disrespectful, sullen, pot-smoking narcissist who played basketball at the most exclusive private school in Hawaii, got high kicking back on the beach, and repeatedly blew off his book deadline after having spent the huge advance money. His brother, Mark Obama Neh-Des-AND-jo, lived in obscurity and utter poverty in Kenya, utterly ignored and unaided by his brother, The President of the United States of America.
Bibi Netanyahu was described by his teachers as courteous, polite, helpful, responsible, punctual, friendly, disciplined, cheerful, brave, active and obedient. After growing up in Pennsylvania, The Leader of the Free World returned to Israel, joined the IDF as a Special Forces commando, was part of the team that rescued the hostages aboard Sabena flight 571 – during which he was shot in the shoulder – then went back and fought along the Suez Canal in the Yom Kippur war before returning to America to get his degrees from both Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. HIS brother, Yonatan Netanyahu, was the only Israeli commando killed during the rescue of 100 Israeli hostages in the Raid on Entebbe on July 4th, 1976.
THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD – you know, the chickensh** one -- rescues his people when they are held hostage – PERSONALLY rescues them – and stands arm in arm with world leaders against the endless, savage, Islamic murders of Jews and all civilized people.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES goes golfing while hostages are being murdered – PERSONALLY goes golfing – and will not so much say the words “Islamic Terrorists” or “Jews” as our time for chickensh** posturing and preening runs out as fast as the nuclear centrifuges spinning in Iran.
Instead he chose what he always probably was- a lying coward. A narcissist with race issues all his own.
What a shame and a waste.
Thanks for stopping by Fredd. I missed ya.
I've been reading(and listening to) Bill since 2001-he had a site called EjectEjectEject.
He had a video riff going for a while as the Something(sorry don't remember) President, pretty good.
I remember, eject, eject, eject! I suppose there is life after blogging elsewhere- I did not know that was Whittle's site.
Well hell, things could always be worse MM. Thank Gawd we aren't Obama.
What as pushed me away from the day to day negativity is the fact that we all preach to the choir so to speak. I read stuff nod my head and pass it on. Nothing changes. It's too bad a guy like bill whittle couldn't run for office or have a tv show. They gave one to Sharpton. It just feels like there is an impending doom coming but no one wants to believe it. Stay safe. Irish