It's Showtime Bitches!!- The Sunday Collage
Today, they convicted Former President Trump today on 34 counts of make believe bullshit fabricated from a 17 year old tryst with a porn star. At it's very worst, Donald Trump may have gotten a piece of ass on the side. He may have used campaign funds to give Ms. Daniels 130,000 to shut up about it. He may have (gasp) lied. Let's conjure up some perspective. Of all the whores in the Whitehouse, JFK was probably the worst. Kennedy was a well documented sex addict. The "Stormy" of his day was a film star named Marilyn Monroe. Men (and women) have been screwing around on their spouses since time began. Millions upon millions and probably billions. Clinton paid Paula Jones 7 times what Daniels received. Where was the big witch trial then? So men like to get laid. Unscrupulous women provide vaginas. There is nothing proprietary there. No news flash. The US government spends 100's of billions of dollars a year on welfare, wars, shitty student and housing loans, bond ...
“Now the principle at the bottom of all these propositions is this: The States have no power, by the exercise of which, they can defeat all the ends of Government-the General Government, or any of those ends. But the States, by the exercise of the taxing power, can take from their inhabitants every cent the inhabitants can spare, and live. According to the principle of this decision, therefore, the States have no power to lay any tax on their inhabitants; and if they have no power to tax, it follows that they have no power to enable them to keep up their State Governments; and without State Governments, they have no power to keep themselves alive, as States. The principle comes to this: that the States, in making the Constitution, intended to give up the power of selfpreservation (sovereignty).” [Padelford Case 1854 pg. 35]
"The ultimate ownership of all property{public and private} is in the state; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; {Designated Multiple use - fee simple tenant-NO Allodium Title} and use must be in accordance with and subordinate to the necessities of the State." ---Senate Document#43;Senate RESOLUTION NO. 62 {Pg 9, Para 2} April 17, 1933.
With the advent of the War Powers the Congress and the President now control all states and actually throws out all previous court arguments because “Public Policy” (Government AKA Congress’s Policy) over rules all law except what they drafted after the Reconstruction Acts. The enemy, that is the common man, has no rights, State or otherwise under emergency power control. And, even if we were to revert back to peace time and be under no emergency rule, the Constitution would still not protect you nor the Bill of Rights against State control. Now that blows the 2nd Amendment right out of the water because it only applies to the People of the United States and NOT to the people of the States. Go and Pull the entire John Barron case to see where they addressed every item in the Bill of Rights and how they do not pertain to the people in the states, with the exception of one.
BARRON v. BALTIMORE 7 Peters 243; 8 L. Ed. 672 (1833)
EXPOSED Federal Reserve Doc: Go from paper homeowner instruments to electronic. Foreclosure fraud? What fraud?