Congress Filled to Capacity With Psychopaths, Now Allowing...
the indefinite detention of Americans without trial under the NDAA act. Forget due process and all of those Constitutional guarantees and the bill of rights.
Get your passports NOW.
I just had to clip this comment from the blog. My sentiments exactly.
Get your passports NOW.
I just had to clip this comment from the blog. My sentiments exactly.
new alien-IQ
No nation gets the government they want. Every nation gets the government they deserve.
All we are seeing here is what has been long predicted and proven to be fact: What we allow or government to do abroad, we invite them to do at home.
Everyone's morals are defined by what we allow to happen to others. Americans remained silent when the US implemented this policy abroad, now they must take it in the ass at home because they were complicit by virtue of their lack of opposition to government policy.
Saying nothing is as political an act as saying something.
Don't complain about this new asked for it.