This Is Going To Hurt A Little Bit

A message from Thomas Jefferson. Two of them. Bear in mind that Jefferson was a stone cold genius, a polymath.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  

Recently, I was doing a piece on the new NFL pat downs of patrons attending football games. I began to think about the scope of that and just how to fight it. I realized that there was no win. People will not fight something that they think was designed to help them. Even if they lose a little freedom in the process. This erosion of your freedom takes time. It starts small and gets bigger and bigger.

Never forget that for every action- there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is the yin and yang- the relativity of life. Anytime somebody proposes or takes an action, think about the opposite reaction that will be created.

That is precisely the problem with statists. It's not that their initial intentions are bad. It is that they do not consider the consequences of their actions. They are short sighted. They never consider the long term yang of their short term yin- solutions. Yang time is here.

One day, America is going to collectively wake up. That day will be the day when Americans find themselves completely bankrupt, slaves to a government that tells them what they can do. Fueled by greedy bankers that can never have too much. We are virtually socialist now. You don't own your property- the government does- through property taxation. You can't buy or sell anything without paying off the government. Health care is the perfect example. Those with insurance are paying the health care needs of those without.

People don't like talking about violence and blood shed. They think that somehow if they can avoid talking about it, it won't happen. They think that catering to their fear makes them reasonable. Like minded. The history of mankind on this planet is one of oppression. Those in power ultimately abuse that the extent that there is a backlash and a revolt. People in power always think that they have the right and the advantage. The full force of existing law and the government. They do not relinquish their positions. Our government is no different. All three branches have become terribly distorted. Ugly renditions of what was originally intended.

I think the future is going to sting a little bit.


Anonymous said…
Yeah, I keep hearing "Using violence is always wrong!". Sorry, but I look at it as self defense! Sometimes you have to use violence when defending yourself!

That's why I started to learn how to shoot a gun...
Brian said…
I have always giggled at that observation. The people doing the oppressing will always be the first to state that.

Just submit to our thievery- there is no need for violence. Unfortunately, history suggests that violence ultimately is the only way things get resolved.

One of those inconvenient truths.
Anonymous said…
Brian, I agree with what you have said, but it concerns me a bit that you "giggle". A proper sneer or outright guffaw should be employed.
Brian said…
Lmao. I am apparently growing a little soft...
Anonymous said…
I've got some funny observation about the previous article and this article. Im vocal on the web. A fibbie with 10 minutes can tell im not happy and everyday brings me an inch closer to my line in the sand. I never come out and say what im gonna do. That would be silly lol. Rest assured I will give no quarter to the theiving murderous usurpers and I will admit I wont last low hanging fruit. The neat part is all the people I talk to and are friends with im betting are as close to their line in the sand as I am. Federalies have mo idea because they don't spend considerable time on the net. So the net has been useful to spread the word but it will be of useless intel if the want numbers of dissatisfied citizens. Thanks Brian you do a great job of spreading some truth.
rawmuse said…
I think young Thomas was correct in his positions, in his day. Today we live in a world where the CIC can deploy a Reaper drone on your sorry ass, fire off a Hellfire missile, and no one need even know about it. And if that fails, how about an Apache attack helicopter with FLIR controlled mini guns. If you go against the Big Fed today, you must assume on the outset, My Life Is Not Worth A Bag of Hammers. And then, proceed from there as you will.
Anonymous said…
I must admit that I have avoided talking about the possibility of violent resistance. But, it is the logical conclusion if things don't change. wonder how many "Oath Keepers" there are in the active military?
rawmuse said…
In other words, nothing has really changed since 1776. The people that fought that war knew when they signed on to tell King Geo. to take hike, that their lives and property were forfeit from that moment on.

And yet they fought.
Brian said…
Not really. This time around the king, substitute Congress, created a FED reserve bank so that they could plunder us indirectly as opposed to directly. They were smart enough to see that taxpayers didn't put up very well with reckless spending see Revolutionary War. So they invented the FED, and pulled the same shit ala a cloaking device, and the same game we've been playing for centuries- continues.

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