Hate Can Be a Useful Tool *Updated* Ron Paul Can Win

Wow. My hero. The original anti statist, anti-moonbat.

“Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.” Ron Paul

Zero Hedge ran a really good piece today contrasting Ron Paul with the main character in Hemingway's, " The Old Man and the Sea." That book incidentally, is my mom's favorite read. She loved Hemingway and in some odd way, I find it weird that I spent 25 years in the valley he called home. I know precisely where his headstone is. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-old-man-and-sea-2011

Ron Paul won the California straw poll and would have won the Texas straw poll. But they cancelled it. Rick Perry did not want to get his ass kicked by a bunch of Texans that know another statist when they see one. Rick Perry is just one more incarnation of a self serving politician. http://www.dailypaul.com/179286/texas-straw-poll-cancelled-due-to-lack-of-interest The Tea Party cannot get any traction or credibility with me until they support the original, truth telling, anti-government candidate. That is Ron Paul. Until then...

The Tea Party may have started with pure intentions but it has already devolved into the same old government rhetoric. Personally, I think the movement is dead. If they thrust Perry up, I'll know it's business as usual.

The Duopoly, pronounced do- opoly, continues unabated.

It takes a lot of courage to support Paul. I have never, ever witnessed a man so marginalized and vilified in my life having done absolutely nothing wrong. No scandals, married forever, delivered 4000 babies, completely transparent. Tells the absolute truth when his entire audience is hoping for a lie. He is non delusional, 100% of the time. It's an absolute shame he will never be President. The entire banker, government status quo is scared shitless of this guy because he cannot be manipulated. A once in a lifetime politician. A government worker, like me, who hates government.

Oh well. I'll be dead when the place implodes. Good luck with that Rick Perry, Mitt Romney bullshit, my "conservative" friends. There is nothing wrong with hating government, in it's never ending status quo...spend us to hell mandate or....a true believer posits...



Anonymous said…
I like so much about Ron paul. I even agree with most of his positions on war, but saying the last debate that we OCCUPY 130 countries???? Come on! Does he even know what the word occupy means? He is his own worst enemy.
Brian said…
Jim...Politifact finds the statement mostly true. In fact, here is what they had to say.

Brian said…
laughing here. It's like I spend a lifetime defending this guy because nobody can believe the amount of truth that spills out...i mean that shit just sounds incredulous, doesn't it? Maybe he'd be better off lying, perhaps he could at least get nominated...
Anonymous said…
Ron Paul did not say the the US has military personnel in 130 nations. If he had, he probably would not have caught so much flak. What he said was the the US "occupies" 130 nations. Words matter, Brian.
Brian said…
Jim, we are talking semantics. I just don't see his choice of words as anything earthshattering or misleading. Perhaps we disagree here, not a big deal.

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