Obama's "Job Czar" Is So Wrong On So Many Levels
The other day, I was looking at appliances at Home Despot. I damn sure won't buy any with the GE label on them.
I am no fan of GE. Like every other greedy corporation- they threw American workers out with the bathwater. GE still owns a huge piece of NBC and CNBC. And I am truly sick of listening to those bastards putting lipstick on this pig of an economy and waxing poetic. I turn CNBC on to see daily trading information. I ignore every piece of commentary. I think Mark Haines and Steve Liesman are two of the biggest idiots on TV.
That Obama would select GE CEO Immelt as his jobs czar is interesting. That Immelt promised to buy government owned GM Volts for GE is fascinating. Mr. Obama essentially bought a network of his own with that single czar appointment. Cleverly done just before the campaign grind. This while GE is outsourcing American jobs. What a ridiculous contradiction. Obama's decision has a lot more to do with buying campaign support than it does with creating American jobs. This is just so wrong on so many levels. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110419/bs_yblog_thelookout/with-jobs-czar-under-fire-new-data-confirm-offshoring-trend
I am no fan of GE. Like every other greedy corporation- they threw American workers out with the bathwater. GE still owns a huge piece of NBC and CNBC. And I am truly sick of listening to those bastards putting lipstick on this pig of an economy and waxing poetic. I turn CNBC on to see daily trading information. I ignore every piece of commentary. I think Mark Haines and Steve Liesman are two of the biggest idiots on TV.
That Obama would select GE CEO Immelt as his jobs czar is interesting. That Immelt promised to buy government owned GM Volts for GE is fascinating. Mr. Obama essentially bought a network of his own with that single czar appointment. Cleverly done just before the campaign grind. This while GE is outsourcing American jobs. What a ridiculous contradiction. Obama's decision has a lot more to do with buying campaign support than it does with creating American jobs. This is just so wrong on so many levels. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110419/bs_yblog_thelookout/with-jobs-czar-under-fire-new-data-confirm-offshoring-trend
I would put on Fox news if they had the same numbers , the hell with the legs.
Fox Business news... who needs mumble mumble Cowboy.