
Thomas Jefferson was a genius and a polymath. He saw it coming. A government gone completely insane. A government that usurps all power and money and submits it's citizens to slavery. A government run by psychopaths, sociopaths, liars, cheats, drunks, and even a murderer or two. (RIP, Ted Kennedy)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this has to end badly.

There are five things you can do.

1. You can remain loyal to the parents of our spoiled government, the Democrats and Republicans and thus ensure complete government takeover and debt slavery.

2. You can do nothing and hope it goes away. Ignore politics, a very popular choice and a choice that finds us where we are today.

3. You can run away and expatriate. Live somewhere else. Six million Americans have already done so.

4. Or you can start a bloody civil war. Use force and violence to take your country back.

5. Or you can find a peaceful solution that involves unity and public discourse. Inclusion rather than exclusion. Intelligence and effective communication. Safeguarded free speech.

I am a retired Police Chief from an elite village. A village where the pillagers go to count their victories and wealth and create even more wealth for themselves. It is a sickness. And as I mulled over what had happened to our country, and watched those self centered folks, I arrived at the only possible solution. Door number 5 above.

You see, you must in fact become a Libertarian. There is no other solution. That's how I found myself about 7 years ago. I realized that like it or not, government was the enemy. All of it. Participating in the existing two party system is what breathes life into this Frankenstein government we have created.

Free enterprise and capitalism? Democracy? Sure, if we had maintained a level and fair playing field. But that system no longer exists. We have a voracious government breaking, ignoring, or simply changing laws, lying, cheating, and stealing. Taking millions in campaign contributions and paying back their friends. They don't represent you. They represent themselves. They create wealth for themselves and their benefactors and they couldn't care less how you feel about it. Want proof? It's all around you. But just one small slice...

Millions of Americans protested banking bailouts. Politicians simply ignored those protests, many of them lawyers and bankers. A treasury secretary, fresh from the most powerful bank in the U.S.- Goldman Sachs-manipulated and orchestrated the perfect coup. They gave you the finger, they stole your money, and delivered it to their elite friends. They dare you to do anything about it. Because they know that as long as you live in a make believe world of a two party system, you will lose. As long as you keep doing the same thing, you will protect their way of life and thus achieve for yourselves- the same old results. The results they expect and want.

We have nearly 23 million government "workers." That is 20% of the entire workforce of the U.S.
My father once said, "ain't no such thing as government work." Government does not produce anything in the Gross Domestic Product. Government produces nothing but excessive taxes and does so without competition. American business produces GDP, not American government.

A retired government worker who hates government? You better believe it. I saw waste up close and personal in my little village and my little village runs just as inefficiently as your village, big or small, whatever the case might be.

You want change? It's time to be the change you want. You are going to have to do it. Nobody will do it for you, that is clearly evident.

So I hope you enjoy this site. I believe in free speech and I adamantly protect your right to engage in it. But free speech should be free from attack. And personal attacks divide us rather than unite us. Unity is the goal here.


CompleatPatriot said…
Ok then I give up I joined your blog, OH NO Not the terrible nut job from....Well you know where I am from ha ha. This Health Care Bill and the very subtle language used through out the document as well as all the other Bills and those languages used in them and being pushed by this Democratic controlled Congress during the prior session and the recent session under the new boss who looks just like the old boss, The subtle language being used all points to one huge Bill, all of the Bills, and the total purpose should be renamed the Bill of the Federal Takeover of everything and non compliance enforcement Act of 2009, quite simply they wish to federalize everything and punish anyone who dissents, now that's real democracy for sure, (Sarcasm) Theocracy maybe..Joke for damn sure..
Brian said…
Tom Jefferson saw it coming-and if takes a bunch of nutjobs to raise some awareness...well hell get me a nutjob ID with an RFID chip in it, will ya?

Thanks, G

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