Inches From Insanity

 On my Twitter page. Cousin Ellis. "Ya can't stop what's coming, it ain't all waitin' on you."

I underestimated the damage Obama infused into America. I am sorry we elected him. It wasn't the banker "get out of jail free card" for his donors, it wasn't his health insurer bailout aka ACA, it wasn't his many abuses of power or his cutesy little quips.

I have talked about this traitorous shit ad nauseum. Obama was a tool for American aristocracy. Where does he live? Martha's Vineyard. That's all you really need to know.

The aristocracy has rewarded him well. 

If the aristocracy relied on Obama to safeguard their wealth, then the tradeoff would be greenlighting Obama's plan to destroy the fabric of our country. 

And from Obama's loins sprang every fucked up and distorted alternate reality. Black Lives Matter, cancel culture, woke politics and speech, deviant sex, pedophilia, defund police, Trump derangement, pot sales on every corner, skyrocketing crime rates, drag queens reading to children, and government worship. I won't even go into the covid catastrophe.

You can't lay all that at the feet of Bush or Trump. It was singly sourced. Extended by Biden.

It's like a tidal wave of Godless insanity and moral decay. It feels overwhelming. We cannot stop this.

In the months and years to come, I see this getting worse. If I were younger and single, I'd probably go looking for a warm and friendly country. 

Absent that, I simply prepare. The aristocracy is going to try and keep a lid on this mess but eventually it will boil over. All of the wars, money printing, and lies will find the cesspool of history. I have no idea how badly that landscape will look. Or when. I'm not sure we'll want to see it.



I have an idea, be more cautious of things said that sound right and quit overlooking the pretend opposition that leads the controlled opposition against all of the above. All of the above has been leading the opposition themselves for a long time. Decades.

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