Can President Trump, Once Again, Snatch Victory From the Jaws of Defeat?

In the beginning, I didn't like Trump much. I saw him as arrogant, pompous, and self serving. Just another member of America's elite aristocracy. Then something strange happened. I discovered that his enemies- were also my enemies.

I have never seen anyone so thoroughly hated in my life. Ever. The media ignores and ridicules him. Obama and Hillary hate him. China and Russia hate him. (I don't think the release of the coronavirus one year before his re-election was a coincidence.)  His fired cabinet members hate him. Many in the Republican party, like Mitt Romney, hate him.The democrats and Pelosi hate him. Even the courts hate him. More importantly, several of my friends hate him. Or perhaps, ex-friends.

What is it about this guy that pisses people off? What angers them to the point we can't even discuss this crooked election like adults?

First off, Trump wasn't supposed to win. I can recall back in 2016, that every liberal media outlet, every liberal poll taker, virtually every talking head including Obama, thought Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton. The only person in America that had it right was Ann Coulter and a blogger that I read back then. (Taxicab Depressions) Ms. Coulter was ridiculed on several networks.

Trump was America's first walk on President. He hadn't wasted his life wallowing around the cesspool of politics like Clinton, Sanders, Obama, or Biden. He hadn't paid those political dues of ascending political offices. He built things. He created things. He sometimes failed. He was certainly no polished politician- blowing smoke up voter's asses. He tells things the way they are. He is abrupt and not well spoken. I often see him searching for the right words and adjectives when speaking or using Twitter. 

Now we know he had to overcome 4 years of Russia collusion horse shit and a scam of an impeachment proceeding that like the coronavirus- was hatched one year prior to his re-election. We know that Obama assembled a team and deep state operatives to spy on Trump. 

All of these "coincidences" are remarkable. In all my years and Presidents dating back to JFK- I have never seen so many enemies. Enemies that keep failing. 

So it was that the hateful democratic machine in several swing states found loopholes and ways to rig the 2020 election. They wouldn't need to risk getting caught if professional politician and bribe taking, Joe Biden was winning. But unfortunately, that didn't happen. Late night, there it was, Trump was winning once again with just a few key states in the balance. I went to bed- only to witness a miraculous mathematical recovery- by Joe Biden in the morning. Now I am somewhat math challenged, needing a tutor to steer me through any college level algebra. But witnessing a 700,000 vote lead disappear overnight with 2/3rds of the 7 million votes cast was truly a feat for the ages. A mathematical miracle.

I have a friend who noted that he thought it was suspicious that the media refused to call Pennsylvania for Trump with such an enormous lead. It reminded him of their refusal to call Florida for Trump in 2016. He opined that perhaps they were hoping for one of those mathematical miracles back then.

I have a liberal friend who simply can't conceive how this election was rigged. Here is what the Georgia Secretary of State is now conceding. Raffensperger joined his fellow Republicans last Wednesday to call for an end to what that state terms “no excuse absentee voting.” This law allows any voter in Georgia to request and submit an absentee ballot without providing justification for why they can’t vote in person. To wit it is noted: Raffensperger appears to have come to understand the vulnerability of unrestricted absentee and mail-in voting only after the 2020 General Election high voter turnout and a flood of credible vote fraud and ballot tampering claims.

In addition to fighting every crooked swing state, Trump has had to battle with a protective judiciary in those  states, compromised by everything from elections to endorsements. It's a vast and daunting task- fighting these hordes of like minded assholes but there's Donald Trump. Brawler. Tough minded and firing away. Never gives up. Who doesn't admire that? I'll share a foxhole with a guy like that any day.

We have seen the enemy- they are exactly what we thought they were.

It dawned on me months ago that Trump and I have something in common. We hate the same people and we dislike them for largely the same reasons.

The next two weeks, starting Dec. 27 through Jan. 6, is going to tell us what happens next. We are going to find out if Trump gets a stay of execution and whether or not Chinese/Ukraine employee Joe Biden will get inaugurated as the President of the United States. The thought of that stooge in the White House makes me ill just thinking about it. Even Obama wouldn't endorse his former VP until he was nominated.

Don't count out America's first walk on President. He's got the resources, the determination, and we know he will fight this sham all the way to the end.

And even though every liberal in the land thinks they have this in the bag and even if they do in fact prevail- it most certainly will be a hollow, pyrrhic victory. Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Joe Biden ain't the cure for what ails us.

Great link as the evidence continues to mount.



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You know in 2016 he was talking about being against the Climate Change "data'.. So the leftists I know hated on him and still do for that. And the Rightists I know loved on him because of that. Then the 2017 Negotiations went down, and Trump back slid on that anti Climate Change data big time.. And as it turned out he was only speaking about being against the non legally binding aspects of the deal, not the legally binding aspects of that deal.. I have all of the official data, news releases, the list of attendees, and how and what they agreed to.. So neither side, the rightist nor the leftists are making an accurate argument for or against Trump that supports their love or hate. And if you show them the facts rather than the political rhetoric, their eyes glaze over. He 's also an expert business man and politician as professional business is politics, he just brought that with him as this walk on guy, which I don't personally buy into., the owners wanted him in there, maybe the still do or don't, we'll see He's a professional liar, you have to be in that world. So most of the novice liars don't understand the guy and thats why they can't explain nor justify their own appeals to emotional rhetoric.. All I can say, is bring on the donkey. .lol..
By the way, I don't hate these politicians I feel sorry for them.. Damn fools are going to the Pit..
Brian said…
I don't think the owners wanted him in there at all Greg. They wanted another Clinton or Bush, status quo, someone they could control.

They were pissed when this billionaire hijacked their pre-arranged plans for the presidency. The owners didn't want Trump. But I think they profited nicely from his giant tax cuts and Federal Reserve bailout for the stock marke which continue its fiat fueled ascent since Mar of 2009. The longest absolutely contrived bull market of all time.
Could be.. Maybe that spirit of disobedience kata down dynasty kingdom really is divided amongst themselves.. If not they did a good job making it appear that way..

I think this is funny.. $600 ÷ 365 = $1.64 a day... lol.. We're worth a $1.64 a day.. Even the $2K made me laugh..Will that even buy a guy a hot dog?

I'm glad I don't use the mail service anymore.. They can stick their checks somewhere...
Anonymous said…
I've been reading a lot of people on alternative websites who really think Trump is going to be successful in stopping electors from certifying the vote in rigged states.

So Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and especially Georgia have all been caught cheating. The fucking unbelievable part is that the government hierarchy and the courts are playing obstructionist.

This gets real simple. If your guy won fair and square like the left maintains- they got nothing to worry about. So why the howling over audits? Because those cheats on the left know they stole this election and they don't care as long as they are winning.

Reminds of being a cop. That bad guys always think they are smart until they get caught.

1.64 really is a joke. We took last years money and helped pay taxes with it. The 1200 we get this year will pay about 20% of my tax bill.

Brian (on my better half's functioning comp)

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