Hating Liberals and the 5 AM Biden Miracle

Learning to love or learning to hate is a process that evolves over some period of time. A bit of an explanation. Please allow me to indulge for just a moment.

I don't think anybody ever woke up one morning and said, "I hate cows."  You have to learn to hate cows. You have to see them wallow in their own shit, stinking up the landscape, and bellowing at 4 a.m. You have to milk a cow with an infected udder, watch them blow snot everywhere, or slam into one on your motorcycle in some open range part of the west. Whatever conclusion you land on- there was some sort of process that took place prior to you arriving at the opinion you currently hold. You should respect that other people may reach a different conclusion than you have. That concept absolutely baffles liberals.

My mother, a teenage milker of cows, hated cows. To the day she died, she would not drink milk. I asked her why once and she told me that milk from a cow infected with mastitis looked like foamy urine. Ewww. Lesson learned.

I drink almond milk.

Liberals call that a "learning curve" because they like to say stupid shit like that- mostly because they think it makes them sound hip, slick, and cool. The arrogant phrase, "a teachable moment" also comes to mind popularized by our Indonesian President and liberal genius, Barack Obama.

Prior to the current world we live in, the one where illnesses, taxes, and even Trump's hair has suddenly become politicized, I was this happy go lucky kid. Late one summer, I found myself in college trying to figure out just what I was going to do for the next forty years or so. That's when I got my first glimpse of dyed- in- the- wool liberals. The all knowing, enlightened, college professors. I fell for the indoctrination. I was young. 

My indoctrination was fast, just a year or two did it. I decided that I disliked anything that damaged the environment especially atomic bombs and nuclear reactors. I believed in unions and downtrodden working stiffs trying to collectively bargain for a livable wage and a few benefits. I was probably agnostic at that moment in my life which helped my new found liberal lean. Over the years, I found myself arguing over abortion and capital punishment, gay rights, immigration, gun control. All of the hot issues that we waste time arguing about.

After college I moved to this quaint little ski town. I have always loved the mountains more than the beach. I loved my new home and the sleepy little valley. Over the course of 20 years or so, our little town became over run with west coast liberal transplants. Folks from Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Very wealthy people cashing in their real estate and coming to our little valley. I began to notice something else I thought was very odd. All of these wealthy people were liberals. They weren't the crusty, rich Republicans with old fashioned ideas that I had been taught to hate back in college. These people were west coast flamers, famous actors, the nouveau riche from Redmond and Silicon Valley. These were nearly all card carrying democrats and their opinions were the only opinions that mattered. 

Most were well educated. They came into our valley, trying to park their starter mansions on mountain tops and river banks. They bought all the best land and slowly replaced the long time residents and locals who were more than happy to sell their real estate and businesses and go somewhere else. Those of us remaining were saddled with these trust funders and the nouveau riche who felt obligated to impart their "wisdom" on the rest of us as though we were a bunch of hayseeds just waiting for a chance for our shadows to cross.

Liberals don't understand the utility of rural life. They have no respect for it.

The process of success, whether it comes via hard work, luck, or blind stupidity almost always brings with it a false sense of self. The financially successful assume that we all want to be like them. That we want starter mansions, indoor swimming pools, wine tasting parties. Many liberal minds are completely held hostage by an ego that believes it is far superior to others. Think of all the people who worship Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Then there are the trust funders. I like to think of them as those who wake up on home plate thinking they hit the home run. They fall into this class- I have never met a conservative thinking, voting, trust funder.

Over a few decades or so, I grew to hate liberals. Not because I covet their lifestyles and possessions, their money, or their superior intellect. I learned to hate them because they have no humility, no gratitude. Their ideas are shit. They don't work. They don't believe in any power greater than themselves. The worst part of this is that they manage to pass laws to steal your money and pay for their insane ideas. Enabling poor people to stay poor. Letting them have an abortion or two. Free food, rent, and healthcare. Smoke a joint. They of course vote for more free shit.

I don't mind shitty laws like Obamacare- I would just like to see liberals pay for them. In other words, if you think wolf re-introduction is such a high minded and noble cause- then get out your fucking checkbooks and pay for it. Exclusively. Don't ask me to fund your useless programs.

Which brings me to one of the great distinctions between liberals and conservatives. When a liberal hates something- they whine about it, protest, form little groups  and then pass laws to prevent the rest of us from engaging in whatever it is that they dislike. When a conservative dislikes or hates something- they simply don't engage in that activity. 

Item last.

Donald Trump is our President. He may be direct, he may be a bully. He may be narcissistic and mean spirited. For all of his faults and they may number quite a few, he has courage. He refuses to back down in the face of an election which was quite literally stolen from him and conservative America. The liberal media, Trump haters to the core, were more than happy to declare Biden/Harris the election winners and offer them a coronation. They have effectively removed any mention of Trump and the electoral college process from the news. If the media mentions Trump, it is always done in some derogatory fashion.

And of course, they make us look like kooks because we don't buy into their bullshit anymore.

In America we agree to a few things. One of those things is that we agree to elect a President every four years. We agree to respect the process and the office of President whether we like the current office holder or not. Democrats and liberals everywhere have violated that premise. Conservatives sucked it up while Obama was busy lying to us, screwing us over with the ACA, and letting a few Americans get killed in Benghazi because it might hurt his re-election bid. 

If the liberals steal this election and they most certainly did in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia- then the battle lines are drawn. It is unbelievable that we could all go to bed with a comfortable 5% lead in every swing state- and wake up a few hours later only to find that we are now losing every swing state. That's a coup. I do not care one iota if every one of these states covers up this rampant cheating and whether the courts are going to look the other way. I do not care to hear any liberal rhetoric or the usual smart ass comments.

Hating liberals has never been easier. I'm not going easy on that idiot Biden or his affirmative action running mate selected because of her skin color. I'm going to show them the same level of respect that they have shown Trump and conservative America. My learning curve is complete.



A Red Wedding; a sudden event resulting in a complete change of fortune among {political } rivals, involving immense loss on one side and the total triumph of the other, often involving a carefully planned BETRAYAL and brutal bloodletting.
Brian said…
Remember the red wedding in Game of Thrones?

I think these bastards have finally screwed the pooch. Gawd I hope so. I am sick of this mountain of debt they have amassed and just waiting for them to try and steal every thing we own to pay for it.

Anonymous said…
Last weekend we had a skiff of new snow, and I had a wild hair/hare? to go to Mackay, Idaho. I have lived no more than three hours from Mackay most of my life and had never been, strangely enough, so I went. It's just one mountain spur east of Trust Fund Valley but it is like comparing night vs. day. The most noticeable thing to begin with is the expensive metal painted signs hanging from the ends of pivot irrigation towers which read 'Farmers For Trump 2020.' I bet I saw more than fifteen of them, as well as billboards. They weren't all the same, maybe it was one big landowner. And there is clearly not the money in that valley that there is further west--but the beauty is there, and maybe moreso, the valley is quite big. Clearly a different attitude prevails; I stopped at a convenience store but couldn't spend any money as the sign on the door read, 'my elk was spotted close by, will be back as soon as I can!!" And I'll bet a sign like that makes as much money as it turns away by being closed.

So it might be a place that is still not quite discovered by the borg as they drive up our real estate values. Maybe I'll find a spot along a creek and put up a teepee.
I am Shoban Illiterati

I can't remember how we came up with that name, but I still like it.
Brian said…
It all started with "nephus." The Shoban word for "no." When we mutually discovered you had not heard of that word- we renamed you Shoban Illiterati.

I love Mackay.

Many years ago, when I was a weightlifting fanatic, there was a cowboy in the bar named "Shellico" who was interlocking fingers with various mexicans and farm kids- in a contest that forced them to their knees. Loser bought drinks. Shellico had a lot of drinks.

So I told my dad I was going to go give "Shellico" a try. He shouted go and bent my fingers back so quickly before I could react. He then started pushing and forcing me out the front door. After about 20 seconds- Shellico had apparently shot his best shot- I bent his fingers back shoving him all the way through the bar and throwing him into a corner where a bunch of tables and chairs were stacked. Shellico got up off his ass and was coming at me- when this amazon bartender gal came out from behind the bar with a sawed off pool cue and told Shellico to get the fuck out.

My father told me that he was talking with one of the locals who was observing this contest. After I threw Shellico into the furniture- one of them asked Dad if he was gonna go help his kid. Dad said he told them "no" not until I got into trouble first.

Funny shit. I drank a lot that night- have no idea how dad got us home to Hailey. Better not to ask questions.


Millions upon millions of left right political paradigm advocates strangely believe they could politically manage someone else's multi International trillion dollar corporate entity.. No doubt the real owners of that politically chartered privately owned muli International corporation would take that risk too.. And the lowest common denominators of this society will believe that myth to their graves..Yes sir, those 56 signatories of that original political charter did that for all of them…Even though they weren't there, signed nothing and are related to none of those signatories by legal bloodline Posterity.. You betcha.. A monstrous investment worth billions at the time with a multi million dollar debt owed the King of England as admitted to and agreed to n the 1783 Paris Peace Treaty, and they'd risk the entire venture on the whims of a society of legal terms illiterate voters..people that believe in that fairy tale should take a cold shower and pay someone to slap the shit out of them.. yeah it's me.. Greg..

Not on topic. reality though: Some called this freedom;

From Atlas Shrugged.…
“But, after all, I did break one of your laws.”
“Well, what do you think they’re for? Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Fer­ris. “We want them bro­ken. You’d bet­ter get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against — then you’ll know that this is not the age for beau­ti­ful ges­tures. We’re after power and we mean it. You fel­lows were pik­ers, but we know the real trick, and you’d bet­ter get wise to it. There’s no way to rule inno­cent men. The only power any gov­ern­ment has is the power to crack down on crim­i­nals. Well, when there aren’t enough crim­i­nals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impos­si­ble for men to live with­out break­ing laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding cit­i­zens? What’s there in that for any­one? But just pass the kind of laws that can nei­ther be observed nor enforced nor objec­tively inter­preted — and you cre­ate a nation of law-breakers — and then you cash in on guilt. Now, that’s the sys­tem, Mr. Rear­den, that’s the game, and once you under­stand it, you’ll be much eas­ier to deal with.”

Another reality;

A License grants the legal permission to Practice: Medicine, Law, Manufacturing, Marriage, Driving, Hunting, et al.
Practice Definition, West's Law:
"Repeated or customary action; habitual performance; a succession of acts of similar kind; custom; usage. The exercise of any profession".
License, Stanford University:
"A license is a legal right to do something that you would not otherwise be permitted to do".
My Definition/Deaf•Phoenician:
"Permission to participate in a licentious activity".
Licentious, West's Law:
"Acting without regard to law, ethics, or the rights of others. The term licentious is often used interchangeably with lewdness or lasciviousness, which relate to moral impurity in a sexual context".

Chris said…
Time to sell the TV as the High preists/preistess of the most high will spew forth the mind numbing rhetoric of the most all mighty wisdom of the Democrats and say it is good, but if you disagree, we'll send the police/indoctrination team ( think "Clockwork Orange") around to make sure you understand/conform).
Oh! boy, are we in for some interesting times ahead, hang on to your seat.
I watch on from afar in the land of Down under.

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