Has It Always Been This Way?- The Sunday Collage
*Update on USAF Tortures Old Civilians. I am currently playing phone tag with Mountain Home AFB. I told them that I would most certainly meet them mano a mano if they'd like. So still no resolution. In the meantime, there is not a chance in hell that I will deliver a Pop Tart to an air base resident. I would rather watch paint dry.
If you need any sort of refresher on just how corrupt our system has become, read this link. If you finish it, in it's entirety, and you are not completely sick to your stomach- you are tougher than me. I spent this afternoon reading the piece and verifying some of the statements. I knew some of them were true. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-28/i-am-putting-everything-goldman-sachs-because-these-guys-can-do-whatever-hell-they-w
Without a doubt, 4.5 trillion in stimulus (counterfeiting) found it's way straight into the stock market- that's what has caused the market to triple from the March '09 lows.
Did we pay down debt? Nope- in fact it has gone up 8 trillion. Did we create quality jobs? Nope- the job market was stripped of quality pay, benefits, and jobs were shipped off shore. Did the rule of law get implemented, did the banker crooks go to jail? Nope- the government pretended nothing happened. They haven't even changed accounting standards or filled those vacant properties.
You know those doomsday preppers? The ones people make fun of? They may get the last laugh and that will be the laugh that counts.You might like this vid. I know the compleat patriot will.
I am seriously getting nervous. I have this uneasy feeling- like things are about to go bat shit crazy.
I believe that our economic system is so corrupt from top to bottom that I think it must eventually collapse. I cannot think of any way to fix it other than simply destroying it. How do you pay 18 trillion in debt when allegedly- more people are supposed to be working and paying taxes than ever before- and yet we are still running 1 trillion dollar annual deficits? Our country's citizens are absolutely complacent and apathetic- they have normalcy bias. They just think this is all so much bullshit. Just like all those people did just before the stock market collapsed in 1929.
The difference in 1929 was that our country had the capacity to come back with no debt. Of course they seized our gold and eventually started WWII. So there are those little glitches.
(Btw, have you ever noticed that whenever this country wants to nullify some item in the Bill of Rights, the first tool they use is an executive order? Think gold seizures, Japanese Americans, or the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets)
What's gonna happen this time and when is it going to happen? I'm not sure and oddly, those doomsday preppers don't seem all that crazy to me anymore. I've been taking a long look at nitrogen packed foods, storage containers, and some defensible ground. Given the circumstances, the next collapse may make 1929 look like a holiday.
What I am struggling with is this. Has our country always been this bad? Have we always been this corrupt and greedy or have I just noticed it during the last 6 years? Or is there a much simpler explanation? As people age, they always seem to think the world is going to hell. That's been my observation. I have never heard an older person say that things are getting better.
Maybe it's a rite of passage. Maybe it's simply my turn.
If you need any sort of refresher on just how corrupt our system has become, read this link. If you finish it, in it's entirety, and you are not completely sick to your stomach- you are tougher than me. I spent this afternoon reading the piece and verifying some of the statements. I knew some of them were true. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-28/i-am-putting-everything-goldman-sachs-because-these-guys-can-do-whatever-hell-they-w
Without a doubt, 4.5 trillion in stimulus (counterfeiting) found it's way straight into the stock market- that's what has caused the market to triple from the March '09 lows.
Did we pay down debt? Nope- in fact it has gone up 8 trillion. Did we create quality jobs? Nope- the job market was stripped of quality pay, benefits, and jobs were shipped off shore. Did the rule of law get implemented, did the banker crooks go to jail? Nope- the government pretended nothing happened. They haven't even changed accounting standards or filled those vacant properties.
You know those doomsday preppers? The ones people make fun of? They may get the last laugh and that will be the laugh that counts.You might like this vid. I know the compleat patriot will.
I am seriously getting nervous. I have this uneasy feeling- like things are about to go bat shit crazy.
I believe that our economic system is so corrupt from top to bottom that I think it must eventually collapse. I cannot think of any way to fix it other than simply destroying it. How do you pay 18 trillion in debt when allegedly- more people are supposed to be working and paying taxes than ever before- and yet we are still running 1 trillion dollar annual deficits? Our country's citizens are absolutely complacent and apathetic- they have normalcy bias. They just think this is all so much bullshit. Just like all those people did just before the stock market collapsed in 1929.
The difference in 1929 was that our country had the capacity to come back with no debt. Of course they seized our gold and eventually started WWII. So there are those little glitches.
(Btw, have you ever noticed that whenever this country wants to nullify some item in the Bill of Rights, the first tool they use is an executive order? Think gold seizures, Japanese Americans, or the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets)
What's gonna happen this time and when is it going to happen? I'm not sure and oddly, those doomsday preppers don't seem all that crazy to me anymore. I've been taking a long look at nitrogen packed foods, storage containers, and some defensible ground. Given the circumstances, the next collapse may make 1929 look like a holiday.
What I am struggling with is this. Has our country always been this bad? Have we always been this corrupt and greedy or have I just noticed it during the last 6 years? Or is there a much simpler explanation? As people age, they always seem to think the world is going to hell. That's been my observation. I have never heard an older person say that things are getting better.
Maybe it's a rite of passage. Maybe it's simply my turn.
If the lines on the graph are nearing the top and things look bad, just extend the x and y axis way out, that'll make the graph look ok again.
Never underestimate the capacity for rabbits to be pulled out of hats and cards to appear from up a sleeve. There are more rabbits than you think.
Normalcy bias is great. So long as people realize that trillions have been printed (although Bernanke will chastise me for using that word) and that even after all that printing it's plain to see that the system has not crashed and the stock market is up. They know what they are doing. Stupid doomsdayers.
Gold? Who cares. The price of gold had fallen. Put your money in the stock market. That's normal.
Inflation? That's the sign of a growing economy. Simple demand and supply. Once again, normal.
Ahhh, normalcy bias. It helps the people stay with the times.
Now back to reality. As I see it there are two possibilities. Its gonna crash and burn or I'm an idiot being lead astray by the likes of you, Brian. The only question is when. When will it crash, or when will I wake up to the fact that I'm an idiot (and so are you)
I quit worrying about it because I need to concentrate on now - either because working on now will help me if there is a crash, or because I can leave something for my kids if there ain't.
Never heard of Corb Lund until now thanks, also listened to Horse Soldier Horse Soldier. When I walked away from my business and career I had tears leaking from my eyes. I liked the work but the corruption and anti free market mentality and hatred of any competitors by all competitors drove me to end that era of my life. Plus my outspokenness concerning factual history verified by the legal history of settlement on this continent and the who's who of those in charge versus the fairy tales most believe is history got me black balled by most of my clients. Over the last several years I've learned to look upon things quite differently, for example I measure every move I make before making it because I cannot stand wasted moves. I cannot stand obsolescence. I throw nothing away because I can fix it. I have five maybe seven years of meals out in front of me and I rotate that. I have three winters worth of wood. I could probably open up a small hardware store. It amazes me at what people still throw in the trash. I have a sawmill and make lumber when I need lumber. What is being done here to this society is not coincidence. It is intent, and the intent is what our friends in high places admittedly call this humane genocide. Unfortunately far to many of us fail to believe others would do something so horrific to others.. Even though history verifies otherwise. It is interesting how the mind of most men and women can refuse to see reality – even if it is lying in plain sight. Economic strife, food scarcity, pandemic disease and financial collapse won’t be enough, which is why they will take the world to war, WWIII.. I've been preparing my last stand..
And their plans include about 7 billion less of us on this earth.
The reality is that it is a real luxury to sit around and worry about it.
Our ancestors spent all their time simply trying to survive.
I had this epiphany on a 3 day long solo camping/hunting trip last week at 11,000ft in Colorado.
- Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC)
What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?
- Plato (424 BC – 347 BC)
I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint.
- Hesiod (8th century BC)