Today, they convicted Former President Trump today on 34 counts of make believe bullshit fabricated from a 17 year old tryst with a porn star. At it's very worst, Donald Trump may have gotten a piece of ass on the side. He may have used campaign funds to give Ms. Daniels 130,000 to shut up about it. He may have (gasp) lied. Let's conjure up some perspective. Of all the whores in the Whitehouse, JFK was probably the worst. Kennedy was a well documented sex addict. The "Stormy" of his day was a film star named Marilyn Monroe. Men (and women) have been screwing around on their spouses since time began. Millions upon millions and probably billions. Clinton paid Paula Jones 7 times what Daniels received. Where was the big witch trial then? So men like to get laid. Unscrupulous women provide vaginas. There is nothing proprietary there. No news flash. The US government spends 100's of billions of dollars a year on welfare, wars, shitty student and housing loans, bond ...
Earlier this week, graphs started popping up on X and other places. Most of those graphs showed the steep and dramatic increase in popular votes that occurred in 2020 and compared the elections of 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024 for context. Beyond any doubt, democrat or republican, the popular vote totals for Biden in 2020 were astronomical. Many charts reflected raw data as it stood on Wednesday and Thursday. Some showed a difference of as many as 18 million ballots cast for democrats compared to previous elections and 2024. Those early charts did not take into account that California was still counting. Counting votes in California is apparently a Herculean task unlike Florida who had their votes counted in a few hours after the polls closed. Thus we are left with the rusty machinery that counts votes in California by either necessity or design. California still had at least 8 million votes to count and Arizona still hadn't finished counting either. By extrapolating what's...
Several years ago, as Ann Coulter (2016) was being laughed at for predicting the Trump presidential win, I was reading a piece about why working-class America was supporting a billionaire. It was a nasty piece, a hit job, explaining that poor, working class Americans were a bunch of dupes enamored by wealth and fame. Deplorables, according to Hillary. It was also total bullshit. Over the years after Hillary Clinton, perhaps one of the most highly effective criminals in America lost her bid to become President, I came to understand the widespread appeal of Donald Trump. It wasn't polished bullshit, it wasn't party support, experience, or a career of broken political promises. It was something else entirely. Something that I treasured. To be sure, I was not a Trump supporter back then. I am a strict adherent to George Carlin's political views in that we keep electing these rich assholes and nothing changes. So I skipped the voting process in 2016 for that reason and also...