Will the Real Obama Ever Materialize?
I'm amazed he has lasted this long.
Sooner or later- they're gonna get his ass. The greatest fraud ever foisted on the American people.
It's odd when you know something is wrong. Even when you lack proof. For me it started when the very first executive order Obama gave- was the one that sealed his personal records and data.
Simply stated, Obama ain't who he says he is. He never has been. He is one giant fraud. You'll love the following link. Pravda is a better source of information than our own media. Proof here. http://dancingczars.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/bill-oreilly-has-been-obamas-water-boy-now-sheriff-joe-has-proved-barack-obama-was-a-foreign-student-american-media-threatened-into-silence/
Sooner or later- they're gonna get his ass. The greatest fraud ever foisted on the American people.
It's odd when you know something is wrong. Even when you lack proof. For me it started when the very first executive order Obama gave- was the one that sealed his personal records and data.
Simply stated, Obama ain't who he says he is. He never has been. He is one giant fraud. You'll love the following link. Pravda is a better source of information than our own media. Proof here. http://dancingczars.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/bill-oreilly-has-been-obamas-water-boy-now-sheriff-joe-has-proved-barack-obama-was-a-foreign-student-american-media-threatened-into-silence/
Hope all is going well for you...