This Is How The Obama Administration Steals Tax Payer Money and Uses It To Pay Off Obama Supporters

The article on VerumSerum.

This is the kind of shit that makes my ass burn. In a nutshell. A solar panel company in California was going bankrupt. Solyndra got 400 million dollars in tax payer loans. When that wasn't enough, Obama's pals were called on to funnel more money into this crappy company. Only they were made a promise. If the company fails we will give you back your money and make you whole.

The taxpayers? Fuck em...let them eat cake.

You have to be a special kind of person to be Obama. To become Obama, this is what you need to do. Have absolutely no interest in anything or anybody other than yourself. Vacation and play lots of golf. Lie. Cut deals with billionaires and bankers. Time and time again, sell out the taxpayers. Do anything to get re- elected. Anything. Sell out any last hint of ethics and morals.

Do you know how difficult it is to find someone like this? Not hard at all. Our prisons are full of people like this.


Anonymous said…
Anyone laying odds on whether Soly execs made record-setting bonuses?
Anonymous said…
"Do you know how difficult it is to find someone like this? Not hard at all. Our prisons are full of people like this."

I'm going to have to borrow this line for tomorrow's post. As I'm sure you know, that line applies to much more than just Obama.

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