Thankfully, It's Time For The Bitter Harvest

This is about restorative justice. This is what happens when greedy and thieving men with power try to avoid the consequences of their actions. This is about hope and promise.

From 2002 to 2008, I witnessed some of the craziest shit I had ever seen. Kids buying houses with virtually no credit and the house doubling in value in two years. The young couples invariably did one of two things. They bought a larger or a second house (greed) or they took a loan out with that mythical equity- for toys. Motorcycles, campers, boats, that sort of thing. 

People were flipping houses. It was insane. The world was so saturated with credit that any idiot on the planet could get a home loan and did. I didn't fall for that easy credit. Not because I am smarter than anyone else- I have just always disliked banks. I had a 15 yr. first, no second. Calling banks a necessary evil would be accurate.

I would like to say one other thing. This is an absolute core belief of mine. In life when you make a serious mistake- you must pay a serious penalty. That's the rules. It goes like this. If you get drunk and decide to drive- you pay the price for getting caught or being in a crash. That might include incapacitation or death. When you cheat on your wife- the penalty is emotional and economic loss. Sometimes severe. When you over extend yourself on credit, you suffer economic loss. You lose your shit. That is what is supposed to happen. What no person in their right mind could imagine- is that the people making those economic mistakes would...(A) Escape the consequences (B) Socialize their mistakes and penalties by stealing (more) innocent peoples' money.

That is precisely what the fuck happened in the fall of '08. And the bankers and the politicians thought they were clever. They were gonna slap each other on the back, get away with the greatest grand theft of all time, and carve out some solution so that they could avoid the consequences and do it all over again. The ruling class violated my core belief by not taking responsibility and suffering the penalty. So it was- that these assholes lit a brushfire in my mind that has not stopped burning for three years. And make no mistake about my colorblind anger, Obama is one of those assholes.

I want justice. I will not be happy until every crooked banker, every crooked President, every crooked politician pays their penalty. And if that means we have to bankrupt this country, and everyone loses their asses, then so be it. Like most, I don't have anything to fear. I don't have anything left to lose. It's been three or four years in the making.

Please don't mistake my attitude or why I write. I don't want any more damage to come to the people who didn't make mistakes. But I have to accept the unfortunate reality that this system is designed to screw over the blameless. Plenty of innocent people have lost jobs, homes, health care. I take no glee in that. I didn't design the system- I simply recognize it. I would love nothing more than to isolate every party responsible and make them pay their penalty. But that is impossible now. They have socialized the loss and spread it among all of us.

I don't write because I need some ego validation- some opportunity to say "I told you so." I write because I want to start a brush fire in your mind. I want you to be just a little bit angry like I am. I want you to recognize that fear is the weapon that the ruling class uses to keep us in line and steal from us. It was fear, "the world is going to collapse" nonsense that Hank Paulson used to rob us of a trillion dollars. It is fear that the ruling class continues to use against us and steal our wealth by convincing us that if we do not turn over the national coffers, raise the debt ceiling, we shall all wind up in economic hell. Many of us are experiencing economic hell now. I see no sense in not inviting the banker class to come join us.

Don't mistake the core beliefs of a large place like ZeroHedge or a small place like Frankenstein Government. We are not depressed or pessimistic. We are simply tired of the crooks and their co-conspirators getting away with murder. Green shoots of justice are beginning to take hold in this country. Bank of America is on the verge of collapse. Our enabling President, the one that gave the architects of the collapse a "get out of jail free card" is starting to feel the pain. Standard and Poor's is beginning to tell the truth about our ridiculous debt. The dollar is dropping, gold is rising, downgrades are coming, states are broke, and the shit storm is just beginning. It's about time. Halle fucking lujah!

I don't have one ounce of sympathy for any person taking out a loan they couldn't afford or a bank that issued them. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for the bankers who bought those crappy mortgages or the rating agencies that called them "AAA" investments and ripped off the investing world. I do not have one ounce of sympathy for Wall St., Obama, or that dysfunctional Congress. If I had my way, I'd bounce all of them into the street on their collective asses or into a jail cell. Instead and realistically, I am watching the "green shoots" of justice develop. The yin and now the yang. In life, when you screw up- you gotta pay the penalty. All the ruling class has managed to do was avoid suffering the consequences for a little while. It's harvest time. Time to reap what we have sown. That's why I am happy. For those seeking justice, this is all we are going to get. Perhaps once this is finally over, we can plant a new crop. I hope so. That I think, is the nature of things.


davecydell said…
Obama's probability of being re-elected has dropped to 50.6 on Intrade. Huge.
Brian said…
Good. Can't wait until it hits the 30's, 20's.
Anonymous said…
Brian, bank stocks are leading a rally on Wall Street today. Any idea as to why?
Brian said…
Short covering. Everybody has been waiting to short this pomo fueled market. They pile into the shorts and puts, let them run. When it ticks up and they start losing money- they have to buy to cover their positions- buy calls to insure put positions and lock in gains.

Not surprised by any one this at all. The trend is still down but volatility will be nuts. Wait until a QE3 announcement...
Brian said…
Gosh, what's killing me is the lack of participation in any of silver. Those 5 margin hikes have literally killed the small, long speculator.

Still gonna stick by my guns, wait for 37, and buy more.
Brian said…
One last thing Jim- that just dawned on me. QE3. If I am correct Bernank is gonna hint at more intervention today...if that happens banks will have more free money to spend. You can't be short in a scenario like that...
davecydell said…
ZIRP for two years means "banks will have more free money to spend"

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