More Evidence That the Recession is Over!
I snitched this online poll.
Another 25,000 delusional people. Don't you guys know? The recession has been over
for two months. Man of the Year- Ben Bernanke said so.
To be sure, I think people suffering through hard times are more inclined to
participate in these polls. Just a guess, maybe wrong. Answers at the bottom.
Savings Center poll
1. How has the recession affected your finances?
1. My situation is dire.
2. My pocketbook is feeling a pinch.
3. I'm doing about the same.
4. My bottom line has improved.
2. Do you think the recession is going to get worse?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I don't know.
Vote to see results
Click here to see results without voting
1. How has the recession affected your finances?
1. My situation is dire.
2. My pocketbook is feeling a pinch.
3. I'm doing about the same.
4. My bottom line has improved.
2. Do you think the recession is going to get worse?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I don't know.
24991 responses, not scientifically valid, results updated every minute.
A whopping 68% are feeling worse off. In the Senate and House, and at 1600 Pennsylvania Av.,
the answer to these same questions is 0%. What recession?
Another 25,000 delusional people. Don't you guys know? The recession has been over
for two months. Man of the Year- Ben Bernanke said so.
To be sure, I think people suffering through hard times are more inclined to
participate in these polls. Just a guess, maybe wrong. Answers at the bottom.
Savings Center poll
1. How has the recession affected your finances?
1. My situation is dire.
2. My pocketbook is feeling a pinch.
3. I'm doing about the same.
4. My bottom line has improved.
2. Do you think the recession is going to get worse?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I don't know.
Vote to see results
Click here to see results without voting
1. How has the recession affected your finances?
1. My situation is dire.
2. My pocketbook is feeling a pinch.
3. I'm doing about the same.
4. My bottom line has improved.
2. Do you think the recession is going to get worse?
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I don't know.
24991 responses, not scientifically valid, results updated every minute.
A whopping 68% are feeling worse off. In the Senate and House, and at 1600 Pennsylvania Av.,
the answer to these same questions is 0%. What recession?