The Latest Version of the Healthcare Omnibus Spendulus Maximus
Here at Frankenstein Government, we (meaning my multi-personalities and corresponding voices) are committed to bringing you the latest version of Frankenstein's, "Healthcare Omnibus Spendulus Maximus" or HOS 'M bill whilst you are sleeping.
Presumably, some of you still have jobs. You will need your rest so that you can go to work and pay for my health care costs while I spend hours retrieving this information for you.
Obamas' original price tag on the HOSM was 900 billion. Other reliable sources are putting it closer to 1.3 trillion. But don't worry about that. Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying that this bill will actually reduce the deficit.
Kind of like government buying you a new car, and just because they love you, they pay all the rest of your bills for you.
Like I said, you can't make this shit up. Click here to get it straight from the floor, yesterday.
Presumably, some of you still have jobs. You will need your rest so that you can go to work and pay for my health care costs while I spend hours retrieving this information for you.
Obamas' original price tag on the HOSM was 900 billion. Other reliable sources are putting it closer to 1.3 trillion. But don't worry about that. Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying that this bill will actually reduce the deficit.
Kind of like government buying you a new car, and just because they love you, they pay all the rest of your bills for you.
Like I said, you can't make this shit up. Click here to get it straight from the floor, yesterday.