The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost- You Are Witnessing It in Real Time

 This morning, as I do most mornings, I brew coffee and then I read the daily nonsense on sites like ZeroHedge. Then I check the markets. Today, every indicator was red. Indices, oil, gold. Everything was down.

Then I see some ridiculous mainstream article stating that the FED was responsible for the freefall and the end of the stock market business cycle. Like that is something new.

You see I forget. I forget that most people under the age of 45 have never seen a real inflation driven, stock market crash. Oh they saw that 2008 shitshow wherein our bought off leadership rescued crooked banks and bankers, then health insurance companies. Where the Bernank and the FED printed money hand over fist. Where cash holders bought mortgages for pennies on the dollar and have since become greedy slumlords renting shacks for a couple thousand a month.

So those 40 somethings might have seen that. They might even remember what happened.

But what they've never seen is an inflation driven crash. They've never seen 16% mortgages and the DOW Jones below 1000. Zero jobs. 

But I have.

Jimmy Carter might have been a nice man but he was a horrible President. He simply didn't have the leadership skills and bold decision making it took to navigate this country off the rocks of the Vietnam War and the impeachment of President Nixon. 

Biden is an absolute trainwreck of a man.

We have been sold out. Our country's manufacturing was sold out to China by terrible political governance and American corporations that seek cheap labor with few restrictions. We produce bupkis.

Our currency is being destroyed in front of our eyes. 

The FED has little recourse. When you are 31 trillion in debt- raising interest means you have to refinance at least half that 31 trillion debt into higher and higher rates. That of course will mean printing even more money to pay debt holders their interest while an army of IRS agents tries to squeeze every last cent out of the public.

I've been talking about this since 2009. That was 13 years ago. I had no idea that they would continue this insane spending, money printing, and inflation denial episode for so long. But they did.

So how bad can this get? I think it can go from bad to awful. I am worried about supply chain disruptions. So I keep adding to my food and water storage. Also storing fuel and getting a second generator. It's too late to buy ammunition. The stuff is insanely expensive and there are only two manufacturers left in the US.

The other day, I saw a pickup advertised at 95,000. It is the same truck I own which cost 34,000 in 2004. A 200% increase in 18 years- that's about 12% per year annualized on that one item. That's not because the truck is so much more valuable- that's because the dollar is becoming worthless. They've destroyed the dollar supply be diluting it with 13 years of QE and spending. 

It's here. The chickens are coming home to roost. Getting a real sense of how the Romans must have felt as their empire crumbled.

Israel, our big ally, is dumping the dollar.


Compleat Patriot said…
yeah.. crazy... I'm a millionaire... at least on paper backed by worthless paper.. Lol... hey ya know you can set up a worm farm? deep fried they taste like chicken.. God help us...
Compleat Patriot said…
it's a mistake to presume that the Biden thing is incompetence by a deranged senile drooling booby.. it's clever, the ruination of the economy is intentional, the loss of lives and livelihoods is intentional. They're giving out exactly what they intended.. They're not stupid, they're wicked, clever evil people. A monstrous criminal act by design.. Off camera they laugh their asses off at the profane masses who cannot see them for who they really are.. Pretending to be stupid while cleverly destroying a society intentionally.. The amazing thing is all of the stupid people standing by while thinking these leaders are stupid incompetent people who are very competently destroying them.. On purpose.. By intent.. Knowingly.. They know what they're doing, and they're being allowed to do it.. And the best part is they've been doing it for years, and all of those uniforms out there protected them while they did it.. This outcome has been predicted by crazy nuts for decades who as it turns out knew exactly what they were talking about while the people calling them crazy nuts did absolutely nothing. This society pulled their own watchmen off the walls and told them to shut up..
Compleat Patriot said…
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Compleat Patriot said…
When a society does not have full command of it's common language it's no wonder they get completely dominated by language experts.. What is common language? The common language that controls the society. That’s is English, Hebrew, Greek, Latin.. Alphanumerically communicated. So if the society at large is only using a segment of the common language, such as English, which is dumbed down latin, even in its highest grammatical levels, those peoples are non compos mentis. Not stupid mind you, deceived.. I have nothing further to say, because it is to late.. Goodby Brian..
Brian said…
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Brian said…
Agree with 2nd comment.

I totally agree that all of this ruination has been done on purpose. People think our elected officials are stupid- because they can't understand why people would act so deliberately against their own people. So they assume that folks like Biden are stupid when in fact they are acting quite deliberately and have nothing but contempt for the minions who they see as unintelligent.


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