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My Letter to Congress

Carnies, root canals, and colonoscopies are more popular than Congress.

I published this letter publicly. The 112th and 113th Congress may be the worst bunch of politicians this country has ever had.

To Whom This May Concern;

I no longer have any delusions about whether or not any of you understand
what selfless public service is. That was the type of public service that
our founders envisioned and practiced.

They didn't become engaged in public service to lie, cheat, and enrich
themselves via public coffers. They didn't pay off bankers or crony
capitalists by diverting money that was entrusted to them and that never
belonged to them.

Each of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

The people of this country know we are bankrupt. We also know that you
folks know that as well. Quit treating the American public like idiots. We
know who's greasing who.

I keep thinking that some of you will attempt to do the right thing- to
engage in campaign reform, term limits, or at least attempt to do
something on behalf of the American taxpaying public. Like maybe enforcing
the rule of law on thousands of bankers who committed control fraud and
bankrupted this country. But you don't.

You are cowards. You lack courage and strength of character. You are not
worthy to call yourself Americans. You have become greedy little parasites
who can't tell right from wrong. This will all end badly and rest assured-
that it was your job to fix it and you failed.

I only pray that history remembers each and every one of you.


Anonymous said…
Thoughts on getting the flu shot? I'm instinctively against it but not sure why...
Anonymous said…
Sorry didn't mean to take away from your letter. Great writing and I'll post the essence of mine shortly.
Anonymous said…
Dear elected leaders,

I was very disappointed by your recent "fiscal cliff" discussions and resolution. The very existence of the "cliff" was itself a result of failed leadership and irresponsible fiscal policy. You previously punted on responsible action only to again punt. I, the American Tax Payer and Voter, did not elect you to serve your interests. I did not elect you to be concerned about your next election. I elected you to serve my best interests. You can't honestly tell me that you are doing that. You bickered back and forth about a few hundred billion dollars in revenue over a ten year span. Yet you're planning on overspending more than a trillion dollars this year alone. How can you reconcile that? I don't care about your four hundred billion in revenue. I care about the 16 trillion in debt we have now and the 20 trillion (at least) that we will have by 2016.

You need to cut spending. Defense, offense, Social Security, Welfare, Subsidies, Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, Unnecessary federal programs and grants, and a whole host of other inefficient programs should be on the table. I realize that cutting spending in those programs will affect people. I'm ok with that. I am responsible for the financial well-being of my family. I am responsible for my families health. This includes my children, my parents, and my grandparents. You are not responsible for this. Hand that responsibility back to the people who care. To people who will do it right, respectfully, and efficiently. You can't do that.

I believe that Americans need to be pressured to feel responsible for their own outcomes. Dependence on government programs should be frowned upon, no celebrated or encouraged. EBT cards should not look like regular debit cards. It needs to hurt to depend on the Federal Government.

I fully realize that to propose policies like this is political suicide. The media and the left will burn you at the stake. However, it's the right thing to do. You know it, I know it.

I elected you to do the right thing, not the popular thing. That's what I teach my daughter and what I assume you teach your children.

Lead from the front.

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