Maybe Shaky Was Right

  I am in awe.

I am in awe that so many seemingly intelligent people could act so stupidly and so short sighted-ly. Obama and the Supreme Court members. Harvard indoctrinations. Lawyers. Most of Congress too.

Maybe Shaky had it right.

As the famous remark by the plotter of treachery in Shakespeare's King Henry VI shows - "The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers," - the surest way to chaos and tyranny even then was to remove the guardians of independent thinking.

Are lawyers the guardians of independent thinking? Is that how it is? Are the rest of us chopped liver because we chose not to waste our lives studying the man made history of law? Does common sense, economics, or a history of democratic governments failing have no bearing?

The trappings of man are simple. We seek short term solutions and completely ignore the larger picture. The large picture of course, is ultimately, chaos and collapse. Obamacare will help accomplish that.

I cannot speak for all of the world but I can speak to what I have witnessed here.We look for and seek short term solutions because our lives are short and finite. We seek only comfort while we are here. We do not really care about other lives or the people who follow us even though we say we do. We are like the abusive husband who kicks the shit out of his wife every night while telling her how much he loves her.

So what really happened here is simple. Our generation (the boomers) have hijacked the earnings of our children. We have saddled them with debt burdens that they can never pay. Because the boomers, guys like Obama, Congress, and that Supreme Court, have the POWER to tax you and make it stick. As we grow older now, the boomers have found a path to free health care. It's going to be paid for by the kids or not at all. Because we don't see the bigger picture nor do we really care.

We boomers will all be gone in 40 years. And the harsh reality is- is that we don't really give a shit how you youngsters pay for it. We will not be on this rock anymore. Or so we think.

I want you to know that what happened here today was wrong. I am a boomer. I can't apologize for the year I was born anymore than a black man can change the color of his skin. But I still know what happened. I was blessed with vision beyond my own life span. We screwed the kids and we continue to do so. We might be the most self centered generation that ever existed.

The subtitle to this blog comes from the God of the Machine. I wish that we could all claim that we are kind and good, forward thinking people. That our motivations are always pure. But that's bullshit. We are self centered and scared. We want free health care or as close as we can get to it- so that it doesn't impinge on the rest of our retirement dreams. Then we're going to tell you that we did Obamacare for your benefit. Because we care about you. God of the Machine stuff. That's the sales pitch of delusional lefties.

Other than that- the rest is bullshit. We hijacked your work product (money) and thus some more of your freedom. I over-estimated the vision of those lawyers in robes. The guardians of independent thinking? Nah. The guardians of self centered-ness? Probably.

One day, a giant group of people are going to think that maybe Shaky had it right. I wish I could be around for that.



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